
These always make me wonder how fucking dumb the readers of this site are as a group.

...to achieve something that seems so trivial.

Sooooo....he's upset?

Sorry, a bad costume choice does not make one a racist.

Newest Russian sub commander.

Ride in a car, bus or plane lately?
Then join the "blowing poison into the air" club.

Pretty sure those are after market.

Good work body shaming this woman.

Disappointed by what? Me finding a hot woman attractive?

Very hot.

Still keeping it tight.

If only he could say "I love you" back just once.

Bless you, sir.

The most interesting thing about this story.

Thanks for this.

"Which way to Best Buy??"

Hi Angela, I meant that alcoholics, when drinking, binge drink just to get wasted.

Only hot teenagers should do this.

Not to be willfully argumentative but alcoholics drink every day, Im pretty sure that is the definition.

My little brother interned for Playboy in college. They tweak everything.