
This is kind of fucked up.

Holy crap, I feel sorry for the guys at her school.

NEWSFLASH: She's not that hot - Anyone can be made to look glamorous with a team of stylists and professional photographers.

Damn, shit is goin' on west of Houston.

Are you a whore in the kitchen and a cook in bed?

Do people over the age of nine really need someone to tell them that drinking every day is bad?

If you want your message to last forever say it in brake fluid.

This is her town, i'd be in a bad mood too.

Do not anger him.

Click quota a little low this afternoon?

Ron Paul used to be hot.

Rich people are fucking dumb.

"Tear their fuckin' dicks off and use them for party whistles you fuckin' faggots!"

I find Tabasco to be more versatile.

I honestly only like it on Vietnamese food.


Get your pointy ass knees off my Ferrari, beeyatch.

You're a hypocrite.

I'm saying that if JT had beaten and murdered an anonymous woman by dragging her behind a truck and then throwing her body off of a cliff in the video I doubt it would have "grown on" the blogger.