
Now we know about how far we are from the time of Breaking Bad. We know Tuco will be out in 11 months...

This looks fun enough. Though I was really disappointed that the Danny McBride, Chris Hemsworth version was a fake. Because I would totally have watched that and still would if they want to make it now...

I just rewatched Breaking Bad and in Saul Goodman’s first episode he brings up Ignacio (while standing in his would-be grave), so I don’t think Nacho is getting out any time soon...

I don’t know. Billie is pretty terrible too. Sure, she’s competent but she’s not particularly helpful. It’s like if Jim from the Office were aboard. She knows things are going badly but doesn’t make any particular effort to be helpful, unless absolutely forced into it.

I liked this episode much more than Zack. Yes, the thing with the coma Romulan being the aunt and step mother of the sexy-fighting Romulan and her creepy brother was not necessary. I also hate that they are swearing just because they can, and the admiral swearing at Picard was dumb.

Holly Gibney is a private detective character, those can last forever. Whether King wants a series like that, who knows, but he seems to like the character a lot. I was pretty surprised when she showed up halfway into the book.

I wonder about that “series finale” thing too. I wonder if maybe Stephen King has another Holly Gibney book in the works. It would be an interesting thing to make a series about her with new groups of characters. Could redefine, or add another definition to, what “The Outsider” means.

Seven doesn’t ask if Picard has doubts. She asks if he really believes he got his humanity back, and he says yes.

The whole thing with Billie is frustrating. She’s competent, but it isn’t like she is actually trying to lead or make Ryan more competent.

This season seems much more message heavy than usual. We’ve had two environmentalism episodes and now a mental health episode. I get that the original Doctor Who mandate was an educational one, but compared to the recent seasons this seems new.

I really hated the stuff with Raffi. You mention it, Zack it is like they are trying to create a Picard that just doesn’t exist. And, while Picard isn’t perfect, if you as a person find you have a burning resentment toward Picard, you should assume you’re the one with the problem. And the “JL” thing when she was a

Baker is great, but one of the things that makes him so great is that, besides pure evil, his other major lane is put-upon and ineffectual

Finally saw it and I am so excited. It was so different from TNG, but Picard is exactly the same in all the ways you hoped he would be. A great line, “Have you ever been a stranger to yourself?” “Many, many times,” Picard says, and a half-dozen great episodes come to mind. Plus, one of the great things about TNG, when

This seems to happen so often now in prestige shows, that if you see someone who is a little too famous for the particular role they are playing, or who hasn’t done a TV series in a while, you sort of expect them to die in the first episode.

This was a great one. So many great set ups. The giant, the knife store, a use of dogs that seems like it has never been done before, Mark Dacascos was great. He had a recurring role in Agents of Shield, and it’s great to see him working more.

Now that we’re talking about the Mandalorian’s moral compass, with him first sparing the Republic jailer and then finding out he didn’t kill any of the mercenaries, can we talk about the way he murdered all those Jawas in the second episode in a strategy that was both overly brutal and ridiculously poor strategy?

Aiello was always great. I can’t watch it now, but I loved Hudson Hawk as a kid.

I can’t believe the AV Club still hasn’t done an obituary for Rene Auberjonois, who died Sunday

Hey AV Club, where is your obituary for Rene Auberjonois who died on Sunday?

There are not nearly as many good World War I movies as WWII movies, but all of them seem focused on the war after it became bogged down in trenches. There is a real need for a movie about the first days weeks of the war, as the old ways of fighting come up against new ways, cavalry charges against machine guns and