You start to see the billboards a couple of hundred miles in either direction on I40. By the time you get there, you have no choice but to stop in and eat some cow.
You start to see the billboards a couple of hundred miles in either direction on I40. By the time you get there, you have no choice but to stop in and eat some cow.
OK, I have to enthusiastically second the Czech Stop. The only kolache place I've ever found that rivals my mom's (including Prague. Yes, the real Prague, not "Pray-guh" in Oklahoma). It's wonderful.
The All Speed Customs (ASC) 1970 Pontiac Firebird Blackhawk. Not only does it look absolutely amazing, but it also has a custom 1200 horsepower twin turbocharged 475 ci Pontiac V8!
Christine Siepka's '78 280Z
The General.
Pretty until I saw the front fascia, then I puked a little turkey.
It was doomed to failure from the start, but at least Target-Red Bull had a great corporate logo.
A Bears fan leaves burn marks on someone and then a cop shows up to arrest him... somebody must have called the Brandin' Marshal.
This is bullshit. I get tired when I run to catch a bus. There is no way a person could run for hours.
I like the names they have for cars. Like, no baron has ever owned a LeBaron. Or the Ford LTD. "LTD." Limited. It's a "limited" edition...what did they make, fifty million of those? "Yes, it's 'limited' to the number we can sell." Or when they try and mangle a positive word into a car name, you know how they'll do…
Daewoo Tacuma Xtra Cool
I don't have sound on my computer at work, so somebody out there is going to have to describe it to me onomatopoeically.
My welcome?
That is an awesome series.
Shit, how did I forget about Blaine the Mono yesterday? He and his pal Patricia roamed the lands of Mid-World, calling the city of Lud their home, their cradle.