My 2013 GTI just hit 100,000 miles yesterday. I bought it in July 2014 with about 10,000 miles.
I’d say that side is slightly less shiny now.
Isn’t it though? I saw the box pop out and thought, “Is that a woofer box? Of course it is.”
Nebraska is worse than Kansas.
“(the name was used on a seven-row crossover in the past)“
Yup, my first car was a ‘78 Caprice Classic.
I’m offended you would even put anything white chocolate on the list.
Lexus just on- upped Ford. Ford has Drift Mode; Lexus has Auto Drift Mode.
Funny, my GTI is my dadmobile, but I only have one kid right now not twins.
The dimples on Santoku knives don’t do a damn thing. A Santoku knife is just a crappy chef’s knife.
I was going to metion this. I had a ‘06 tC, and the hatch trim did in fact come off.
I know it is probably mostly the color, but at first glance, I thought the cover photo was a new WRX.
Nissan: Do you need a vehicle? Here’s one.
How’d they mange to keep that 2011 Prius C for ten years? Either there is some kind of temporal disturbabnce, or the auther is too lazy to find a picture of a 2006 Prius. I vote the former.
Yeah, 36 hours is way to long to celebrate something for which fans have been waiting 108 years. They should just stop in the middle of the parade and go home.
Ugh, I went to college with Scottie. No shit.