As a person who votes against their own self-interest routinely, this article makes me irrationally angry. The liberal media (any news outlet who uses cogent reasoning to disprove a white American’s misplaced anger) was never this harsh to Obama. You are still upset about Hillary’s loss. Excuse me while I finish…
Yep. Of all the emotional responses I registered to that. From laughing to almost crying, surprise that there was an unnecessarily huge woofer improperly (or likely not at all) secured in the back was not on the list.
Nothing says “properly installed electronics” like a sub box only attached to the car with the wires to power it.
The woofer box just popping out the back is the best part of this.
Here’s my *Old Man Yells At Cloud* comment for the day: This is how you write a title - If you’re going to capitalize every word, you might as well USE ALL CAPS SO WE KNOW YOU’RE SHOUTING. Oh and stop using apostrophe-s to indicate plural versus possession.
“MotoGP Champ Nicky Hayden In Serious Condition After Being Hit By Car On A Bicycle”
Road weight limits, height limits, clearance limits and cost limits.
Because the alternative is cheap and abundant. Convincing a fleet that runs on a tight budget to switch their trailers is often very difficult.
Aaaand we’re officially at precious bodily fluids level of crazy....
Don’t make me pull this graduation over!!!
The bears wouldn’t be good even if this guy came out swinging and was an immediate star. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t try to shore up your team with good players at other positions and wait for a better quarterback draft class. Do the bears really think they won’t get another high draft pick like this in the…
Because blood is thicker than water? And that’s because oil and water don’t mix because oil once cheated on water with olives.
The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody.
Thomas was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and his family claims the shooting was sparked by a mental breakdown, an allegation that could be backed up by his erratic behavior, as described by The Washington Post
I had to laugh about the dead battery at the airport scenario, as that exact thing happened to us in the wife's '08 TL. At 1:30am, after a full day of traveling. Luckily the shuttle driver had jumper cables and was able to give us a jump, as we couldn't get into the trunk (where our jumper cables were) because with no…