Shall we give the first engine a tickle?
Shall we give the first engine a tickle?
Photographic proof that the Packers suck.
Correction: Every[one] is Jeff Glodblum
Carson Daly must be so jealous.
Stewart can choke on his flaccid, greasy, tasteless, cardboard he calls pizza.
Jerry Seinfeld popped immediately to mind for me, too.
NASCAR is not a pure meritocracy. Sure, talent is required, but a hopeful driver will get much further if he has rich parents or family connections. The Dillon brothers have both, which is kinda the point of the article.
This article is a microcosm of the wealth disparity in the US, that Doug Demuro so clearly misunderstands as illustrated by his comments to his article a few days back.… We simply need to recognize that the very wealthy, or the Dillon brothers in this case, have…
Well, I for one am glad we still live in a world in which rich assholes can get away with being assholes because they're rich.
But you're okay with the light bar?
Don't get me wrong the McLarens are beautiful and amazing, but seems like a waste just to drive them on the highway. For Christ's sake, if you are going to drive them through the mountains, why not drive them on mountain roads?
Yup, that too.
Sure Blaine was efficient and fast, too bad he's also homicidal.
No you are not. That was my first thought, too. I'd still say it is a pretty handsome vehicle though.
And the glittery tear.
Boston must really love tradition, because they sure as hell aren't keeping Rancourt around for talent.
By the headline, I was expecting the car to choke the bear. Now that would have been something.