Not true. I had friends win on Let’s Make a Deal, you get slapped by the IRS when you file your taxes. They also charge MSRP for everything so even if the TV you won can be bought at Best Buy for $250, it the MSRP is $700 that’s what you are taxed on.
“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“
Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal…
Nobody fucks with DeJesus.
But see, this is where I'm totally confused and why I've mostly just shut up about his run for mayor: if getting an office is the wrong thing to do — and if their motives are purely selfish then yeah I'd agree — what exactly is the right step to take? There needs to be a dismantling of the entire system, but how are…
We bought the divided recycling one a few years ago and I love it. I hate that I love a trash can but I do. I've never been happy with a foot pedal can before but this works like a goddamn charm.
We bought the divided recycling one a few years ago and I love it. I hate that I love a trash can but I do. I've…
I had one that went bad. Called Simple Human and they sent me a newer model of the same capacity for free. The new one has a strut in there that brings the lid down slowly. My kids actually push the lid down because it closes so softly (been going on for almost 7 years now without issues). The inner can is designed to…
I had one that went bad. Called Simple Human and they sent me a newer model of the same capacity for free. The new…
They are engineered really well and last a long time. I’ve had mine for 10 years and have never had an issue with it. Pets can’t get in it and my neighbors bought them because mice could not get in either.
They are engineered really well and last a long time. I’ve had mine for 10 years and have never had an issue with…
I played this for about 10 hours and so and yes I loved it but.......I also loved Destiny in the beta and was completely ruined on week one when I realized what that game offered! Nothing! Yes it got good for sure but is that what will happen here? Am I going to have to wait for almost a year for it to do so?
I think the biggest thing going on with Division was that none of us understood what the game was trying to be. I thought it would be a 3rd person co-op shooter a la Ghost Recon rather than one more akin to Destiny or Borderlands. Having played the beta, I definitely “get” the Division idea now. It’s an open-world…
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
I’d be interested to know how many of these kids end up complaining about the government wasting resources and money when they grow up
True. Russian soldiers on exercises have often ended up in Ukraine by mistake.
When someone drops freaking $60,000 on a GM SUV they can shut their mouth when talking about my BMW. I had to use that line directly at one of the sales guys at work. except I added..
Actually, a Prandtl–Meyer expansion fan occurs due to the low pressure region trailing the transonic shock cone.
Right?! Ugh, we hired a new coworker today, and somehow the topic of bad drivers came up (probably because I work at a pizza place). She goes, “You know the worst drivers? BMW guys and old Asians.” Exact quote, there. Everyone kinda stopped, looked at me (the car enthusiast and e39 driver) and our Filippino (ha.…
Gasoline, 3 pedals, wagon. I would drop what I was doing and buy this right now if I could, along with about 6 other people in this country.