OEM aero bars (for my ‘13 WRX) from my girlfriend! It’s her subtle way of saying we need to take more ski trips.
OEM aero bars (for my ‘13 WRX) from my girlfriend! It’s her subtle way of saying we need to take more ski trips.
If only they could have some report about defense that he could read and learn these things!
Uh... it was knowingly sold as an emissions fraud. VW conspired and committed fraud on a massive scale, deceiving both consumers and government authorities.
Moreso, he followed the letter of the legal document. VW definitely did not.
Except at the end of the day, they still outright conspired to commit fraud. You have absolutely no ground to stand on a phrase like “spirit of” when you basically threw your moral obligation out the window.
Trump declares world to be round and water is wet. You know, like super smart intelligent stuff.
I’m more impressed that the emergency blinkers keep working while submerged.
At least the spelling is “correct”?
I hope I wasn’t invited to his wake.
I bought a Galaxy Nexus on Verizon and it was such a horrible experience after coming from a Nexus One. It was NOT a nexus. Lets be 100% clear about that.
I went back after a long hiatus to check out Underground, but after playing Overwatch for the last few months, it feels so incredibly off. I understand it’s an RPGish kind of thing, but there needs to be some other kind of gameplay feedback as you work through bosses.
He was clearly resisting and making furtive motions.
Are you saying Hillary is not the president we deserve, but the one we need?
Is Reinhardt chopped liver too? Is he grandpa? I don’t understand this weird family dynamic.
Everyone knows you can’t run and hatch eggs. It’s too jostly. You gotta take it easy and not disturb the eggs. Shhhhhhhhh....
Most architects understand that Roark is a shitty example of an architect and human being. It’s actually not how architecture is really practiced... And it’s not that great of a book.
I mean, I can sketch out the design of a smartphone or a device, or even whip up a decent digital rendering. But that’s far from designing the device... Drawing a concept is NOT design.
I think what you really mean is that he wasn’t brown... Muslim is a religion, not a skin color.
Not to mention that he had some kind of bag on him.