
The tough part is that a lot of radicals that join are educated in the west and so it’s not just an education issue. I think there is something that some people are feeling/seeking that isn’t necessarily answered by the open-ended philosophy of western cultures. Something is obviously attractive about the stark black

I think this is Florida. I’m just guessing based on the fact that a lot of the parked cars don’t have front plates (required in CA, but not in FL).

They actually have an option on the consoles to ratchet down the graphics for smoother gameplay. Have to say they’ve been attentive to things that would be nice to have.

I think it’d be pretty great and the art would benefit from not being as pixelated. I don’t think it looks bad at all but it’s age definitely shows. In full HD it would just be gorgeous. Especially the characters.

New prediction: Trump wins the general election. But barely. Hotly contested with lots of legal whatnots going on. Meanwhile he heads off to a secret surgical center to undergo penis enlargement surgery. A small elective surgery goes wrong and he dies on the table.

I haven’t really followed comics since I was in my teens but I have to say I love seeing a graphic style that reminds me of the 80s comics I grew up reading.

They’re worse. They advertised the cars as being great for the environment and then sold a fraudulent product to consumers and tricked regulators. At least climate deniers have the benefit of sticking to their beliefs. They don’t even have that leaf to hide behind.

I’d put money down that Matt LeBlanc is more recognizable than Evans is in the UK and the US. Top gear ultimately has more global viewers than in the UK so from that perspective LeBlanc is a steal.

Is the Oakley design team now part of Honda?

Don’t you know getting a degree in art history is the contemporary version of going to college for your MRS?

Good to hear the gear held! My hands were completely unscathed and I was glad to have opted for carbon fiber knuckles in my gloves. The knuckles were totally mangled but the armor held and my hands were fine. GLOVES.

@echo off
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6

Concur. This would require Back to the Future degrees of planning to achieve successful merge velocity.

AFAIK force majeure doesn’t cover direct actions by the parties to a contract. The term always thrown around is “act of god” and the (edit: alleged) rape sure as hell wasn’t. Dr. Luke would be on the hook for malfeasance or something where he’s are injuring someone. But don’t look at me, I don’t write these things.

Volvo! Volvo the magnanimous!

But APR does matter. If you can finance something at nearly 0% it starts to beg the question: why not?

Oh no. You’re really just missing out on something really great. Stop denying yourself.

How did you spend $18 at TB?! A full meal is $12 TOPS.

Debt as a total dollar sum is rising. But by itself that’s not necessarily indicative of anything. If I made $50k when I was young I could’ve had a car loan and had a debt of say $10k. Say my income grew and now I make $150k, and I take a home loan out for $200k with 20% down. My debt is now $160k, which is 16x

I feel like his writing is the real Kanye and his life is the fictional character he created. Sort of like a reverse Eminem/Slim Shady thing.