
The “fair” look at vaccination was what ended it for me. It was just horrible and showed the writers just couldn’t get their heads around those kinds of issues. They completely failed to realize it’s not an issue that has 50/50 support in public or in the healthcare community. John Oliver nailed it with climate

None of those are sedans.

Billy clutched Jeff as lightly as he could, holding himself back. He hoped Jeff couldn’t hear his heart pounding.

Fantastic! Thank you for wrapping it up in a more conceptual way. Understanding is so much better than just knowing steps to take. Keep it up!

I’m glad that the driver didn’t take his anger out w/ his vehicle. It could’ve been wayyyyy worse. Pads and a helmet go along way against fists but a potentially deadly 3000 lb mechanized club was at his disposal.

Most of those people don’t think they’re poor. They just want more.

The LDS Church made a statement a few years ago that basically said they weren’t condoning caffeine, but it wasn’t banned either...


Paula Deen’s Ice Tea

Does a news outlet have any obligation to protect the medical privacy of an individual? Just because the privacy was violated doesn’t mean it’s fair game (see The Fappening).

Driving in Germany was an absolute joy. First of all, I was offered an upgrade free of charge at the rental desk for an BMW X3, an upgrade from the Subaru I had booked. I proceeded to take this out on a damp Autobahn. Each lane gets progressively faster towards the left. It’s magical. And when you see a pair of

Oh man. We could order you parts but your car’s gonna need to be in the shop mebbe a week? Two? Aint’ gonna be cheap...

It’d be great to be scientifically accurate and force players to learn to recognize different species of dinosaurs based on behaviors and physical traits.

Or .000 depending on how you want to look at it.


Just wondering, to any of the other Lexus owners, is this kind of dealer experience common to Lexus? I’m getting older and not dealing w/ shitty customer service is becoming more and more important to me.

Kept framerate locked, but I haven’t had any huge issues either: i7-5280k, 16gb RAM, 4gb GTX960. Going to test w/ framerate unlocked tonight.

Running @1080
Vsync: On
AA: On
Texture: High
Shadow: High
Smoke: On
Paper: Off
Rain: On
Light Shafts: On

More specifically, it says “You are a good friend”.