
He is great for the economy

I’ve crushed the daytonavirus with my bare hands and failing Jalopnik is talking about Russia. Sad! 

My friend, old is NOT 50. Believe me. You will be fine until you hit about 65, give or take. That’s when the wind suddenly stopped pushing your sails. Trust me on this.

He was, sorry, is the chief executive of an LLC Sole proprietorship that directly controlled 7 separate business entities that filed for bankruptcy. So yes, Trump filed for bankruptcy 7 times, he was shielded by the LLC and not a corporation. Perhaps before you accuse others of not understanding something, you should

Not just PR — Anyone who dismissed or minimized this disease essentially killed and infected others. When others hear respected people shrug off a pandemic, they get infected and spread it like crazy, leading to more suffering and prolonging all of this (looking at you, Orange Shitgibbon/Fox News). Cultural banishment

Is Trump a billionaire?

Trump, Uber-successful?  Thanks for the laugh.  A man who has had 7 bankruptcies, including two casinos called a success. 

“Both uber-successful businessmen, both billionaires...”

Apart from the fact is not now, nor has he ever been, a billionaire and that far from being an “uber-successful businessman”, he was a second-tier developer and multiple times bankrupt failson.

They are very much alike in many ways.  None of the similarities are good.

First the mud-slinging cave diver pedo business, and now the pooh-poohing of a global pandemic. It’s almost like he went to the Trump school of public relations.

Not saving lives means not saving the economy as well.

Your name calling rather than a well reasoned response shows what an enlightened individual you are.  At least you used the correct form of “you’re” and then messed it up by not writing a sentence with proper punctuation.  Looking forward to your next contribution to society.

It is absolutely PERFECT that this coronavirus will be gone by Easter. PERFECT.

We haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet.  There’s no situation that bad leadership can’t make worse, and look who’s in charge.

The testing won’t improve. Despite all that is known people still can’t get tested. Either tests aren’t available in some areas, or the CDC guidelines say they aren’t eligible to be tested.

Yeah, I heard that. Big talking politicians are all pretty tough until they’re put on a vent. The guy sounds like a moron.

Our Lt Governor said fuck the olds, he and other Republican olds are ready to put their lives on the line to save everyone and restart the economy!

I’ve got questions. WWI and WWII happened. Lessons were learned about what works in a total war where there are shortages of everything and there’s no room for fat and everything must be repairable by a overworked, under resourced, possibly even very short (due to casualties) crew numbers... And we now end up with the

Yeah, that’s really odd. If only there were nationally certified codes and handbooks detailing exactly how large pipes need to be for a given load...