Good point, I didn’t have anything there to show scale.
Good point, I didn’t have anything there to show scale.
I have one! It really is fun to drive. Turns heads wherever I go and I usually have people approach me to talk about it when I park it somewhere.
In 2016 we got a leader who manages one, if you count “destroy everything the black man accomplished” and trample on American values as getting shit done.
He says the Dems want to take away ALL cars, then says, “One car per family”. Which is it?
Another examples of how sentences work. Kinda.
I can think of a reason: every single one of his tweets is a toxic mixture of lies and hyperbole. This one is no different. What value is there in putting thousands of words on an internet page parsing out what is the result of 15 seconds of thought on his end while taking a dump?
Jalopnik is a site about cars and the people that love them. The fucking President of the United States addresses a tweet to people who “like automobiles.” Those are cars. The tweet, again from the President, states things that cannot be proven as true regarding cars and car ownership by Americans. It’s hard to see…
...except no one has advocated either of those things. Ever. Period. I will literally suck your penis if you can quote even one Democrat that has ever uttered such non-sense.
Parsing Trump’s tweets isn’t worth anyone’s time. Here’s the cycle:
“Repeal Obama’s 25 year import ban!”
I’m pretty sure that it’s evident that Donny doesn’t have a grasp of how words work.
There’s equal real evidence for either interpretation. If pressed, I’d say both are total horseshit.
high school burnout pot head friend
How about Option C: The president is an idiot who just says stuff without worrying about any basis in reality.
If this is the kind of shit we allow to happen, then maybe we don’t deserve to modify cars.
I don’t have a 76 911. I have a 76 912E that gets 33 miles per gallon.
“More importantly, I can drive the F-150 because I WANT TO. I can afford to, this is ‘Murica, and you can simply COPE with it.”
Look, I get it, some of you guys think that cars are killing the planet,
No, pretty much anyone who has scientific knowledge in this area agrees that cars are killing the planet. Don’t try to downplay it because it doesn’t align with your view that you need a monster truck to get to work.
There was an amazing amount of reading comprehension fail in the comments on that post. Another one I agreed with you on besides this one - I let everyone and their brother touch, drive, whatever my Spitfire. It’s just a car, and while it is a pretty nice example and I am very attached to it, it’s no museum piece.
Thank you. This article strikes so true. I’m in San Antonio where every house has either a full size truck, suv, or both. I would not care so much if those owners could drive their vehicles properly and without malice, but I’d say nearly 70% of them cannot park, navigate lanes, and are general jerks on the road. I…