
Quigley FTMFW!  You can live down by a lot more rivers with one of those.

The new paint scheme, like the administration itself, perfectly represents modern America: tacky, stupid, greedy and tasteless.

Can see where David Tracy learned how to wrench on that Mini Cooper.

David, don’t beat yourself up over it, it happens to every mechanic sooner or later.

If the thread chaser doesn’t fix it, you might be able to drill it out by hand, by just using progressively larger drill bits. Will be slow and tedious but probably faster than pulling the engine (although you might be able to undo

“And do you really think that anyone watching it doesn’t realize it was edited?”

You apparently haven’t had much interaction with people in rural/small town America. They absolutely do believe shit like that, all the time. Critical thinking isn’t a skill many of these people deploy on social media, or anywhere else.

Most of the things Trump has accomplished would have been accomplished by any Republican President with a Republican Congress. The things that are uniquely Trump: giving North Korea a seat at the table, abandoning the Kurds in northern Syria before reversing course and send troops back in, unleashing Iran to resume

Worse than silent. The reply that “President Trump is a different kind of President, and we sent him to Washington to shake things up.”

The whole Republican party needs to go the way of the Wigs.

Somewhat muffled by the hoods.

Well, they're probably pretty loud at the rallies

Gotta get back at his home state, city and district that didn’t vote for him in 2016.

The solution to the problem is simple... vote Democrat and keep voting Democrat until the Republicans kick out all the crooked Trump supporters and idiot Tea Party types.

As clear as black and white?

They're technically rat rapers. Rats are too good to concent to relations with current Republicans.

Because the State of New York decided to issue their documents as they see fit.

I remember when Tea Party people were saying that Obama wanted to be king and that they’d die before letting anyone in the White House do that.

States rights are so important to republicans - LOL.  What a bunch of rat f*ckers.

Get ready, everybody. This is our future under a facist dictatorship. Fall in line with Dear Leader and The Party, or else.

I’m over 6' tall, and ~270 lbs. I carpool to work with guys in the back of a Focus and an old CTS. Its tighter, but I still fit.

Exactly. I’m 7'1" & have owned Celicas, Jettas, Passats, a Thunderbird SC, a Focus, Crown Vics, a Saab 9-3 convertible & a Jaguar XJR. You’ll note there isn’t a single SUV on that list & I fit in them all just fine. Of course, I also have a sub 40 inch waist measurement too. People who claim they “need” an SUV because