I got ya back
Firefly, Firefly, Firefly..... Should be Farscape, Farscape, Farscape.
Non that I'm a fan of them but I see a panda when looking at the whole thing... and Alfred.
That woman is really into this shit.
Let us hope if it returns, it does so with a sphincter, and that we have enough head and shoulders...
I sense a big money making opportunity here. Bharmony, the new dating site strictly for birds, where you actually include a harmony of yourself, which is matched to a similar companion. If only I had the funds to buy the rights to play that incredibly obnoxious "this will be song," for the commercial.
You see what happens when you don't wait 30 minutes before swimming after eating!?
I'm not sure what everyone is complaining about. If you honestly thought the Doctor was going to die then you need a new show, cause this Doctors just getting started. Was the finale Tesselecta idea a cop out? Maybe. But Doctor Who has always been written this way. And not that anyone cares but I said the final…
[games.adultswim.com] <- what do you think he eats?
Day made.
both Stargates crush the others, along with the classics like the original Star Trek, Twilight Zone and Dr. Who. When it comes to actual composition and not popularity I don't know how SG1 and Atlantis don't take the cake for true sci-fi epic adventure music.
See I think silence will fall when we hear the Doctor's real name, now thats the greatest question of all. But realistically probably just news that he's dead will cause silence.
"And we were touched by his noodley appendages." Flying Spaghetti Monster rapture?
wow that made me mad. I hate how networks no nothing about the shows they put on except the numbers... I will never be over Arrested Development.
can someone get a photoshop going on that?
I wouldn't worry to much about it, as a psych major I find social psych to be a bit of a joke as do a lot of students... It's an area of psychology where data is often significant only by 60%, and has so many exceptions to every idea presented that one can only assume that humans are impossibly variable.
Am I crazy, bad at reading, or am I the only one who knows of Sinbad the Fifth Voyage coming out 2011 with Patrick Stewart?
vinylrake's alien self, "money is life's distraction."
almost thought splinter was going to pop up and yell "TONIGHT WE DINE... AT TWO BOOTS."