woodle for hillary

Always now, the first thing we hear is the police feared for their lives. These well-armed, presumably well-trained, professionals who, again presumably, chose to go into their profession, are evidently scared out of their minds every second of their shifts.

-Joseph Goebbels

It’s such a shame that Trump is the one who got The Old Post Office. It’s an incredibly beautiful old Richardsonian Romanesque building, and you can go up to the tower at the top and get a fantastic view of the city. When the Washington Monument was closed I think it was the best view possible downtown.

Here’s my current cop beef. There are good cops and bad cops, just like any other profession. The difference between them and other professions is the need to defend rather than disavow the bad ones. I’m a teacher and my first thought when I hear about something horrible a teacher did is that they have disgraced the

And still the “Family Values” maniacs are clapping their tiny little, pristine hands over their totally empty chests and saying “Oh my, Donnie, you scamp” and then pretending they did not see a thing. Five seconds later they pull their smiling masks off and reveal their puckered lips and frantically scanning eyeballs

This may or may not count because it’s secondhand, but my dad shared this one and he is not a man prone to exaggeration or lies just for the sake of a good story.

I wish it were forty degrees in Chicago. Autumn has basically disappeared over the last few years - we’ve spent Octobers in the seventy-somethings(!) - and it’s only now starting to dip down into the sixties this year. We had one good snow last winter and that was it. Also, I have never, ever met someone who

Personally, I can’t wait for Kellyanne Conway to jump ship.

She admitted that he did spend money in Cuba yesterday, but then tried to say she didn’t know what that actually meant. I’m wondering if she’ll get straight up fired.

The onion just announced that he is unfit to be President of the PTA.

I was up at 3:30am this morning because I couldn’t sleep. I an so sick about Trump and the fact that I know people who are voting for him. I unfriended my cousin’s piece of shit husband who basically likes to argue black people get themselves shot and Trump is better than Hillary. I’m done being fucking civil to these

He wants to distract from yesterday’s breaking news about his “foundation” operating illegally, and his illegal trading with Cuba.

He probably uses software like TweetDeck to schedule them to go out at certain times just to fuck with us.

Let’s get some things straight...

I teach sixth graders. They write circles around Trump.

In all seriousness, people voting for this guy need to have their citizenship revoked and be immediately exiled.

He’s rapidly unravelling in front of our eyes and I love watching it. He’s going from “unfit to be called President” to “unfit to be considered sane”.

I love this because I imagine that he was just tossing and turning in bed seething about this and then finally leaped up, cast aside his absurdly long stocking cap, and tweeted this out before collapsing back into bed.

Gina Rodriguez is that social media friend who won’t stop gushing about her “King”, then 3 months later cross posts a cryptic message from Instagram like

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.