woodle for hillary

Fucking people on Twitter - “SHE WAS ONLY OUTSDIE FOR 90 MINUTES”.

I am wearing a light summery type dress with no sleeves right now in my office. I am doing nothing but farting around on Twitter and playing a silly game. I literally shouted at the dogs because they are making me DIE with their hot breath and fuzzy bodies. I cannot imagine being in a crowd, in the heat, trying to

I have my own crazy conspiracy theory about this. Here is what I think happened-

Probably worth noting that in addition to full formal dress in a highly humid area in direct sunlight surrounded by a lot of warm bodies, she’s almost certainly wearing Kevlar at the Secret Service’s request.

Oh, goody. Now I get to hear all the conservative blow-hards at work talks about how this proves she’s medically unfit to be president. In her defense, I attended an outdoor event in the Southeast yesterday, and damn near tapped out before the program started because of the heat. Since HRC has been running on about 3

If her doctor says she has a clean bill of health, then I believe it. But since when have the media or Trump’s rabid supporters ever exercised any ability to not blow dumb shit out of proportion or be reasonable? They are going to have a field day with this. I hope I’m wrong, but this doesn’t bode well. This could be

This is the most punchable face in the history of punchable faces.

America feels greater already. /s

She had a great followup to one of the mouthbreathers:

Thank you for sharing that! She absolutely hit the nail on the head - if someone isn’t a racist assbag, why be mad at Hillary for calling out the racist assbags?

She could’ve avoided the whole thing by simply adding ‘some of them, I assume, are good people’ at the end of her original speech.

Ok, I am admittedly really really really bad at this, but I need a ruling. Her follow-up (the full one, not what’s written above) is shade, no?

PC culture is out of control. You call some people deplorable and they get all offended.

I regret saying ‘half’—that was wrong,” Clinton said.

Walter Reed? But the election is only a couple of months away. They don’t have that kind of time.

He essentially cold reads (read: Bullshitting). It’s quite brilliant if intentional as it allows people put their own meaning to his words without him actually saying anything. My personal theory is it is a natural evolution of him being a salesman and not something he is acutely aware of.

Thank you P-Time and CSDFOS. I am so tired of everyone parsing his words and evaluating what he might possibly mean. FFS he doesn’t give a crap what he’s saying, he’s making it up as he goes along, word salad just vomits out of his mouth, and the goddamn media treat it like it’s talmudic.

I have this fantasy where Hillary stands up and says Donald the both of us need to put these medical rumors to rest. Lets both of us go into Walter Reed Hospital and get physicals and release the results.

I have to hand it to Trump- he found the one place where he wouldn’t be the biggest quack in the room.