woodle for hillary

I am stealing this and using the hell out of it.

Trump is going lose yuuuge, douchebag

I mean, I addressed this to vapid, racist wingers like you. You seem to have read it, and yet you say the same stupid things you always say.

Thanks, Ivanka.

All Asshole Racist Trolls:

Isn’t it interesting how white people who don’t even live in Chicago are all somehow the experts on the violence in Chicago’s minority communities?

Innocent minorities are shot almost daily on the south side. But now we give a shit because she’s related to somebody famous. Fuck this city.

A black person is dead because of gun violence. Donald isn’t going to change the gun laws in the US. Donald thinks black people are going to vote for him because of this death. Am I missing something?

So does “Big wet ass” have anything to do with the “Compassionate Colonoscopy?”

It doesn’t normalize it. It makes the dogwhistles and racist symbolism explicit. Which is the opposite of normalizing it. The reason that moderate Republicans could do things like talk positively about the Confederate flag was because there was an ambiguity - a thing where the racist implications of a lot of symbols

I’m really split on this particular viewpoint. On one hand, I think you could be right - that this will normalize “moderate” racism. On the other hand, this is the first time in decades that a Democratic candidate has called out, in explicit detail, a Republican presidential candidates racism. This may make it more

those few percentage points mean the difference between the media branding it a whoopin’ and branding it a landslide. It’s worth it.

Of course it’s always been there (well, since 1964) - Hillary’s just trolling moderate Rs to try to get them to stay home in disgust at the current volume of the dogwhistles. If that takes a bit of flattering, eh, whatever.

I’m on board for more Kathryn Hahn. And she was one of the best parts of Transparent. So my fingers are crossed that more episodes might be better.


lavendar dr bronners is my jam! (but woah with the peppermint; do not, i repeat, DO NOT usr peppermint dr bronners on your junk!) the lavendar is lovely and smells nice and is not at all spicy.

I came here to say exactly this. Worried about packaging? One of those 32 ounce bottles will clean you, your house, your spouse and, like, your whole neighborhood for a year.

Yup. I use Dr. Bronner’s in the shower, and the peppermint is truly alarming to ladybits but the lavender and the almond are just fine. :)

once i used peppermint on my face without realizing and it was very surprising but then i also felt SUPER AWAKE. and then my whole face peeled off. worth it.

Dr. Bronner’s in the shower. That is all.