woodle for hillary

Team Cat here to say: Meh

Sarah Palin’s son-in-law (a decorated vet himself) tweeted today that Trump needed to apologize to the Khan family. So up is down and dogs and cats are living together, man.

i think this is a valuable point. but i also think it’s combined with the idea that it is still the woman’s responsibility.

mike pence’s whole life is one long GOB “I’ve made a huge mistake” face

“President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in history”

Sorry you muppet, it’ll be nigh on impossible to beat Cheney, and short of straight up nuking someone, you’re nowhere near clever enough to.

“I think I have the term for what happens to Trump if (when) he finds himself ever more likely to lose: he will go into a derp spiral.”

This is truth. If he’s anyone he’s Walder Frey, really.

Because Littlefinger is actually smart and can play the game. Trump is fucking Joffrey with Ramsey capabilities.

How has the nickname “Little finger” not stuck to Trump?


But what if the person harrassing his daughter was also her father?!

can someone find sexual harassment suits against him?? For some reason, I feel like there quite a few of them.

Ooh, let me just skip on over to the living-wage job tree and pick another. Because we all have a whole fucking job-tree orchard to harvest from.

This coming from the man that wants to sue the press for saying anything remotely negative about him.

a sociopathic golem whose mouth puckers like an anus

Ah, to be so privileged that you think leaving is the answer.

Which I suppose is fine for his daughter who likely has the ability to do that and may wish to do that over an agonizing court battle. To bad everyone doesn’t have that option.

I would say he isn’t even trying anymore, but the sad thing is HE IS