woodle for hillary

After the RNC, pretty much everyone around Anderson Cooper’s roundtable (except maybe Van Jones, whom I believe is going to snap one of these days) praised Trump for having such a focused theme (law and order) and criticized Clinton for not having one. Even though Clinton’s campaign narrative of togetherness and

Damn straight. A plush divan and a Shaker bench can both be beautiful and functional in their own ways.

The was the best speech that Hillary Clinton has ever given. Very few people on the planet can match either Barack or Michelle Obama. But they also forget that neither Barack or Michelle is running for office so they could afford more flowery speeches. Hillary had to lay out plans and policies and details

Vaginas are scary to those who do them most harm and want to control them more than anything.

Whether it was intentional or inadvertent, I think she did a great job of explaining why she’s not the warm and fuzzy type by mentioning again and again that her mother brought her up to take it like a man essentially (should be changed to bad ass from now on.) But, really, I get the sense that Hillary may be super

We invited people over to watch the DNC’s last night. Most of them are already on Hillary’s side either from the beginning or when Bernie no longer had the delegates. However, some of them can’t vote so don’t care either way (being a white immigrant gives you that privilege) and some have never voted but are mildly

All the Never Hillarys with the “you don’t know what you’ll get with her, I know what I’ll get with Trump.” And I’m like, what, excuse me? What? It’s madness. If anything we’ll get the my shrewd and pragmatic president of our lifetime. As opposed to a guy whoplans on having his VP (Mike Fucking Pence for Fucks sake

I honestly thought she was immensely likable and I was really impressed with the weave of the speech. It veered smoothly from policy to rhetoric to her story as fluidly as I have ever seen her do.

I thought she did great. Just disheartening to see her achievements immediately being analyzed through the lens of one speech. She is going to destroy Trump in the debates

My parents are immigrants so my reading selection was... unconventional (I picked what I liked but missed a lot of “classics” by NA terms). Finally read A Wrinkle in Time last month (20 years too late) — but it feels like the timing wasn’t as bad as I’d feared. :D

Welp. So she isn’t quite up to the speechifying of the most talented orator any of us will ever live to see? That’s fair. She’d agree, surely.

It’s sort of weird for them to be comparing Sec. Clinton with Pres. Obama in this regard.

She will NEVER be an Obama in terms of his soaring rhetoric. Or a Michelle. Or a Reagan, for Chrissake. That’s not her thing. She’s a nerdy wonk, and she’s not a super warm and sentimental person. I’ll take it.

I need a “No Donald. You don’t” meme, gif and/or shirt.

Same. I loved how many books she mentioned from Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo to Goodnight Moon to A Wrinkle in Time to what I assume is the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (because Hillary and Chelsea have style).


I think it was her second-best speech ever, just behind her 2008 concession speech to then-Senator Obama. But she totally, and effectively, laid out the case for her, the Democratic party, liberals, progressives, centrists, Republicans, Independents, and any sane person to vote for her.

I am so happy. And so excited. That was phenomenal.