woodle for hillary

Is it really cool to take a slogan like ‘No Justice, No Peace’, which in this election has been closely aligned with BLM, and apply it to something like Bernie Or Bust?

Please tell me The Slot’s going to do a takedown on this Donald Trump press conference. The most SANE lie he’s told so far is that he “has nothing to do with Russia.”

Earlier, a troop of bitterly disappointed and occasionally crying Bernie supporters marched out of the arena, many of whom had put little pieces of tape on their mouths with the word “silenced” written on it. They brought their silent protest directly inside the media pavilion where I was working, where they proceeded

I just.....I just......

“I’m a driver who uses roads so let’s vote for the dude whose party would let roads collapse! Hooray!”

So much glum.

Totally a legitimate reason to vote for someone in the most important election in recent memory. /s

I know they look so pissed. It’s awesome!

Seriously, Susan Sarandon, explain to me how the DNC betrayed Bernie Sanders by his endorsing Hillary Clinton. There’s a break in the logic here that I’m just not getting.

He is voting for Gary Johnson “because I don’t know much about him!”

The Planned Parenthood protesters do not seem to be on board with the selfie.

I am exhausted just staying up late watching from my sofa.

I’m 40 and find this to be an amazing time to be alive. I got to cast a vote for the first African American president and I will be casting a vote for the (hopefully) first female president. It IS amazing and I’m grateful for it. My kids will grow up without that sense of amazement in what that means.

I'm honestly not sure, but I'll go with sincere.

Hello! To clarify: I was not being snarky—quite the opposite.

Especially Chelsea. Oh my goodness. Imagine being her just then!

I can’t believe Andrew Jackson agreed to be a part of that! Seems so out of character for him.

I am so ready.

Now she just has to defeat the worst misogynist I’ve seen in my lifetime. No pressure. And somehow do it without playing “the woman card,” whatever that is.

Have to admit I teared up when the woman from the South Dakota delegation said “the first president to be called Madame President” while casting the decisive votes.