woodle for hillary

An unzipped fly was the least of my problems with that presentation.

“I don’t follow college sports.”

Yes Hillary is speaking in front of the NAACP. Trump declined. He is the 1st President since Reagan to do so. Why do you think he declined? Hmmmmm?

Team Penis vs Team Vagina!

Would this be a bad time to say #NotAllMen?

Aren’t you forgetting Fred Trump? I’m pretty sure he’s the man most directly responsible for Donald Trump.

Cleveland is the other hellmouth according to Whedon.

+100 for the Buffy reference.

Dont’ forget: “Make America Straight Again!” night

Welcome to Ohio. Make sure when the ascension happens and trump turns into a giant snake, you don’t get eaten.

10-1 odds they will slap glasses on him, and I’m warning everyone now, he can pull off that smoking hot professorial look like no one else.

Yes, absolutely.

i don’t know. CBS has neutered him somewhat. i’ve watched some of the new stuff and i find myself a bit bored. Sam Bee and John Oliver I think may give us more of the winning feint.


How...how on earth did that happen??? All power to him, but HOW DID THE SECURITY OF THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS let a known left-wing talk show host, in a bizarre costume, onto the stage? Let alone leave him at the damn podium long enough to give a satirical speech?? Jesus, no wonder they didn’t want guns there.

Guys, Paul Ryan doesn’t see color.

It's the narcissism of small differences that is keeping the Bernie or busters from voting for Hillary.

No they don’t. They just have to realize that drinking the Trump arsenic is bad.

They’d have to stop drinking the Hillary Haterade then.

Yeah, I love the “Hillary and Trump are exactly the same” contingent. Sure they are, except on EVERY SINGLE POLICY AND POSITION AS WELL AS TEMPERMENT. It’s like talking to a brick wall with many of them. And the thing that really kills me is trying to patiently explain the electoral college and why it means that you