woodle for hillary

It would probably lead to a national food crisis. See what’s going on in Venezuela now with rioters clearing out groceries? Trump could make it happen here.


Mass deportation would be such a disaster on so many levels. Leaving aside the heartbreaking prospect of breaking up families (since so many conservatives’ attitudes are “fuck them, they shouldn’t break the law to get here”), it would be enormously expensive. And it would seriously disrupt a lot of industries,

As a child of two former illegal immigrants this is a nightmare. Every day when my parents didn't have papers i would go to school and wonder if i would ever see my parents ever again :( I didnt realize this until i was a little older but the fear is real. Knowing that another kid is going through this is so tough.

Remember, folks: no matter how disappointed you may be that Bernie lost the primary, a vote for Trump or a non-vote just increases the risk that Trump ruins more lives than ever (and he’s ruined plenty in his “career” as a “businessman”). Think really hard before you abstain from voting or cast an anger vote for

Women are five times more likely to be murdered if their abuser has a gun.

The only thing that can stop a bad father with a gun is a good grade-schooler with a gun.

Yo I’m just like my country

The crowd outside is chanting “HOLD THAT DOOR! HOLD THAT DOOR!”

I’m an editor from way back. #StrunkAndWhite4Eva

RISE UP! When are these Democrats gonna RISE UP? When are these GOPs gonna WISE UP? WISE UP? WISE UP?

They’re not throwing away their shot!

C-Span feeds are selling on Stubhub for Hamilton prices. The world turned upside down! Dogs and cats living together!

Here’s your friendly reminder that the House is only in session 111 days this year. After this week, lawmakers return to their districts until after July 4. They will be in session again until 7/15, and that will be the last chance until September to enact meaningful legislation.

Another commenter said something earlier today about Dems generally being the party of compromise in contrast to the GOP being completely unwilling to even meet them at the bargaining table in recent years. Well, the Dems are finally fed the fuck up. As well they should be.

Looks like Obama’s lack of fucks is spreading, although given the mess the GOP seems to be in right now it seems to be a good time to make a statement.

The Dems so rarely show their guts. It’s wonderful when they do.

Why am I not surprised that Tammy Duckworth is, again, being a total badass?