woodle for hillary

Actually, it reminded me of this, from John Oliver’s show rather than Lil’ Seb:

Well she’s putting a lot of it on YouTube...and getting bashed by a ton of Bernie Bros for supporting Clinton (she’s a comedian, guys, she’s not supposed to be impartial...)

Samantha Bee is a gorram national treasure. TBS needs to free up the show so it can go to HBO, where for one hour a week Oliver and Bee can make us laugh, tell us what’s fucked up, and how to fix it. A Samantha Bee/John Oliver hour would certainly help us all survive President Drumpf.

Am I the only one who thinks if Jon Stewart had still been at the Daily Show we wouldn't be dealing with Trump right now?

Now playing

She also had a great segment on sexual assault in the military, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and MJIA.

Could we just a weekly Stewart report? He could do it from his rocking chair on the farm! Just a little taste?

How you know you're a bonafide theater kid: you say DESHTINY at the beginning of One Day More without hesitation because that's how Colm says it on the CD that you played every single afternoon while doing your homework and there is no other way.

Seriously, Broadway get on this shit. Lin can be Jean Valjean.

I hear what you’re saying but...

Audra & Jesse’s Cosette/Marius v. Jane’s Eponine was EVERYTHING.

What’s so special with this Corden guy? Every time I try to lure celebrities into my car I get a restraining order from the police the next day.

I’m not sure the Donald understands metaphors. I think it’s quite possible that he smashed a skylight once on a construction site and thought that was ‘breaking the glass ceiling’.

I have no doubt Trump employs many groups that he can underpay.

I was the one that really broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women

Thank you, overlord Trump, for ending sexism and racism. This is irrefutable proof of how much you cherish the women and the Hispanics and the Blacks.