
I don’t see how you get that from this story. Oprah is herself a survivor of sexual abuse, and has dedicated a lot of time and resources toward supporting victims of sex crimes. Andrews says she reached out to Oprah specifically because of this — this isn’t an interview Oprah went looking for. It was the least shitty

I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.

Yeah, that’s my reaction as well. Is anyone really excited for this movie?

Dude, it’s a memorial letter for a beloved game developer. Pick your damn battles.

I could’ve sworn there was already a Warcraft movie. In fact, I seem to recall it was a Starcraft/Warcraft crossover movie, where the Terrans invade Azeroth and set fire to Teldrassil. Surprisingly, Night Elf Hunters and Rogues are able to beat Valkyries and Goliaths.

If you are not wearing the required makeup, I will stop you and apply it myself. I don't care if you're late for class. I don't care if you're a sophomore or a super senior. I will stop you.

From Captain Phillips.

How many more stories until this is done with Jezebel?

I came here to vote for this mug. It's survived, and quite well, a year and a half of life at college frequently tossed into my backpack. The press is awesome and the mug is pretty well insulated. Keeps hots hot and colds cold quite well.

I came here to vote for this mug. It's survived, and quite well, a year and a half of life at college frequently

worth noting it keeps the coffee hot for a LONG time. once i forgot my coffee in the car in the morning and when i drove home for work it was still hot. not even just lukewarm.

worth noting it keeps the coffee hot for a LONG time. once i forgot my coffee in the car in the morning and when i

The Bodum Travel Press - Stainless Steel Edition

The Bodum Travel Press - Stainless Steel Edition

Can this site stop being so shitty, Shame on you for using Beyoncé as headline for this accomplish woman. You know that she was a thing way before Beyoncé using her work right?


I do hope that in the game that'll be the standard uniform for all of the snipers.

Dear Jezebel,

Wow. What'd she do to piss you off so much? This is a pretty scathing take-down of a pretty vanilla figure. You should save this vitriol for those who truly deserve it (especially since the whole thin/blonde thing isn't her fault; sure, she is benefitting from it but it isn't her that gave her the mag covers or

How sad that people think Deathstroke's design comes from others when in fact DC comics have been churning out memorable designs for decades. Just shows how out of touch the mainstream audience is with DC. They better show Deathstroke on a major DC movie adaptation.

Considering Cable was created (at least co-created and by the same guy doing the visuals) as the guy who created Deadpool who himself was created as a parody/homage to one of that creators favorite characters, this guy in your pic, Deathstroke, this isn't surprising in a round about way. It's likely where Leifeld got