its a modern sand painting! brilliant! so buddhist of him not to get attached to his sculpture.
its a modern sand painting! brilliant! so buddhist of him not to get attached to his sculpture.
if you have a larger than average head or wear glasses while you listen to music these will hurt your ears and head.
if you have a larger than average head or wear glasses while you listen to music these will hurt your ears and head.
Don’t you see how that’s perpetuating the same justification ESPN used to demand that she make a public appearance to discuss the incident? It was ESPN that decided that a public face from their network must first rationalize what was done to her through a thoughtful TV appearance. But why is TV so magical? It simply…
I agree completely that Oprah’s role as a champion of victims of sexual abuse is uncontested. Its that reputation that is in fact be why ESPN chose her show as an outlet for this story. Nonetheless, Oprah chose, in that moment in the green room, to put a woman in a self-described “hysterical” state on national…
This is probably not going to be a popular observation, but Oprah seems pretty manipulative. Agreements to appear on a show notwithstanding, Erin clearly didn’t want to go on television to discuss the incident.
maybe prehistoric, definitely not dinosaur.
Second that on Deadly Class. Its the most bad-ass, disaffected, well-drawn thing out on Image right now.
absolutely, best french press mug, great mug regardless. learned the hard way that you can't really invert it, but otherwise not leaky, just not completely airtight. So gdamn convenient, use it for travel and just at work, just a couple scoops of coffeegrounds and steaming water from the kettle.
absolutely, best french press mug, great mug regardless. learned the hard way that you can't really invert it, but…
Weirdly Shaped is an INCREDIBLE resource for bra-related fashion:
Tried the sunscreen option, just made the glasses cloudy. Be prepared for lots of buffing, this is not a simple lunchbreak kind of process.
will this come to the iOS version?
'This isn't the 80's, no one says hack anymore.'
Alice Eve played Agent O in MiB3, not Q. O-Kay?
That song at the end is delightful. 20 minutes of googling is turning up nothing, does anyone have an idea who sings it?
Less art, more awesome: Zorion the Swordlord
Sometimes its important to read your headline and decide if the insertion of the words "your brain" instead of "you" is allowing you to deliver a relatively nonsense statement.