
you win!

strangely enough, there was the same romantic theme running through Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies this week:

nice use of citations!

you should get this one

you know would be really great right now? some re-release on the leaked test footage.

thank you!!!

this might be nitpicky, but can anyone identify these two laser blasts that destroy Wayne Financial in MoS?

yeah, i thought the logo was distractingly perfect here.


The 1978 Peter Jones BBC Radio version is the standard. Anyone who argues differently is a bloody lunatic.

Not watching anymore. Not interested. Retro-actively un-interested in the entire storyline. Ending the episode on Theon’s bulging eyeballs, Ramsey’s heinous grinning, and the trouncing of a female character underneath a wave of humiliation. These are all choices by the director & writers, not defensible by context nor

Rocket had stand-alones in the 80’s, well before the movies. They’re trippy.

what are these islands?

To imply that it was Blade and not Batman that laid the groundwork for future superhero movies to come is a little..um...just go see Birdman.

Second that on Deadly Class. Its the most bad-ass, disaffected, well-drawn thing out on Image right now.


C'est ne pas une hybrid. Real deal dimorphodon.

we need a screencap of Capaldi's coffeeshop hair at the end of the episode...haven't seen that muted coif since malcom tucker.

absolutely, best french press mug, great mug regardless. learned the hard way that you can't really invert it, but otherwise not leaky, just not completely airtight. So gdamn convenient, use it for travel and just at work, just a couple scoops of coffeegrounds and steaming water from the kettle.

absolutely, best french press mug, great mug regardless. learned the hard way that you can't really invert it, but