
:( I tried adopting Melo but he was missing his shots.

Why the hell hasn’t American baseball put somebody out there to ceremoniously swing at the first pitch? Can you imagine the panic-induced moment Bat-Boy 2 has when he’s quickly trying to figure out how he’s going to swing at 50 Cent’s two-hopper without keeling over in laughter?

Now playing

Also responsible for the greatest commercial of all time

In Chicago they have something called the Chicago Mix...which sounds like a vile abomination but is actually quite delicious: sweet caramel and salty cheddar flavors combined in equal parts.

Many people allege this fund is being used to persuade (read “buy”) superdelegate votes from these states.

You should become more familiar with bird law

If you drive slow in the left lane—

I’d say this lazy grifter should get a job and stop trying to sue corporations for a living. But if he’s too stupid to operate nail clippers or use a stick if deodorant properly- maybe it’s best he stays home, and far away from any and all non-babyproofed environments.

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”

Either way, you dont touch a police service animal in the line of duty. They are technically officers of the law. Consider it like giving a human police officer “ a little push”. The result would be exactly the same, its just something you dont do to an officer.

There’s another video I just watched from a different angle. She doesn’t hit the horse in the face, but she clearly makes crazy-town contact with the horse like she has a death wish.

I feel bad for the horse. It’s probably just wondering....”can we go home now? I want hay and a carrot”.

I think it’s about time we had an important conversation about the family dinner theater chain Medieval Times. The actual Medieval period was rife with the treatment of women and the poor as chattel, the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, and European conquest and appropriation that has strong lingering

You genuinely think this is an important conversation? This isn’t someone trying to re-imagine anything as a happy meeting of cultures - they’re not saying that this period of time was particularly beneficial or amazing for some cultures; hell, it doesn’t even look like they reference the colonialism in any aspect

I think I have a tendency to be un-outraged. Sometimes I wonder why I still read Jez because so many of the stories seem handpicked for people who need something to be mad at. There are plenty of real, rage inducing stories out there, and they are often covered here. But it seems like there’s a lot more of this faux

I wouldn’t mind getting a glimpse into the writing department here...do you guys actually feel outrage at this simplistic crap, or do you just sit around and think about what you can get the readers angry over?

Well, technically, almost every restaurant in the Americas is focusing on the cuisine of the oppressor while integrating/relying on the agricultural products of the oppressed.

You’re headquartered in New York, where there is a French colonial themed restaurant named Le Colonial. It’s been there for years. Never a word.