Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.
Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.
I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.
Since my bracket’s gone to shit I'm rooting for every underdog left in the tournament.
Yup. She gets to decide how she feels about it. I’m glad to hear it was a positive rather than a negative experience.
Some weird shit is going on.
Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.
woah, woah, hold on. This is THE anti-semetic slander. Like, the all-timer, by a wide, wide, margin. Like, the 2000 year one.
You should probably read this:
Well, “You killed Jesus” is HISTORICALLY anti-Semitic. That is it has been used to justify all kinds of pogroms and atrocities in the past. It would be interesting to discuss when a historically racist remark loses it’s hate-speech association.
“Sausage fest” is homophobic? I thought it was what you labelled parties that had all men and no women and were therefore not worth the time. The implication would be that the party goers, the owners of the aforementioned sausages, were heterosexual because the lack of women is a bad thing. A gay sausage fest would be…
More details than you probably wanted on this: http://www.si.com/nhl/2016/03/01…
I have no respect for Dennis Wideman, especially not after all those trips to North Korea and cozying up to a dictatorial regime. And anybody that lets Carmen Electra get away is a complete idiot. The pic confuses me tho... I remember him as being darker, and playing basketball.
The Maple Leafs are still figuring out how to play 5-on-5.
This is all around a splendid story. The ret. bee keeper just happened to have tickets to that game as a gift from his family. He’d traveled all the way north of Kansas City to Arizona. What are the odds that one year to the day this all lines up? Also love his smile as he’s waving his cap. He noted later he got to…
Ret. St. Joe, Mo, beekeeper Lowell Hutchison barehanded bees, acknowledge fans applause @KCStar vs @Rockies @Royals
For the record, I still have a Whalers shirt that I wear from time to time.
Nope — Wilbur will write the contrarian article “Limp Sox Need More of Kopech’s Fighting Spirit”, containing no less than 8 paragraphs shitting on Pablo Sandoval.
Now comes the fun part, when we all get to take bets on which member of the Boston media will write a scathing take on what this incident says about the team’s clubhouse culture.