Yeah, that's the one I had, too. Late eighties/early nineties kid's book covers are the best.
Yeah, that's the one I had, too. Late eighties/early nineties kid's book covers are the best.
When I was a teenager, my grandfather (my mom's dad) started suffering from dementia and came to live at our house for a few years. It was a nice time being with him, but it was also sad, watching him decline. The dementia went mostly as expected; strangely misplaced items, general confusion. But there was one really…
I guess premonition is a better word for what I've always considered really weird deja vu. Sometimes I get overwhelming feelings that something bad is about to happen, which often coincides with what's happening around me lining up with something from a dream. Nothing bad ever happens, but there have been several…
Premonitions are a really weird one. I've never had any as terrifying as yours, but every so often, in the middle of dreams which I otherwise never remember after I wake up, I get sudden totally out-of-context snatches of a scene which I remember very vividly after I wake up. These only last maybe a second at the…
Goosebumps for DAYZ.
I come down to the kitchen for breakfast on a Saturday morning. My mom and my sister are already up, and they look exhausted. My mom asks, "Did you sleep alright?"
I have a story!
I live in a very old area of town. Almost every other house on my street is a "century home" with a little plaque saying it was built in 1905 or sometime thereabouts. Mine doesn't just because it costs money to get that title.
I pride myself on my car trip taking patience. I never rush, I take frequent breaks, and I try to generally enjoy the car trip as much as is possible. Sometimes this leads to overnight stays in random hotels in Connecticut.
My grandparents live in New Jersey (ooooh, sppppoooky). When I was a kid, we used to visit them and drive back late at night when it was so dark you couldn't see anything outside of the headlights. I used to sleep in the backseat, or try to.
Dude, I slept with Pocahontas. Twice.
Fun fact. Historically the line in this famous song by the Police has been misinterpreted as "I'll be watching you". In fact the original lyric was "Owl be watching you". The song was originally intended as a love letter to Owls everywhere but over the course of time it's true meaning was lost.
Seriously, any dude that uses "libations" (or even worse "m'lady") who is not dressed in period-accurate reproduction clothing needs to be drawn and quartered. The Queen has so ordered.
As a PSG fan who knows very little about UFC or its fighters (and since I didn't look at the photo of the guy accompanying the article), I was initially very confused. Also probably didn't help that I just woke up from a nap so it took me a sec to realize that there was another famous Thiago Silva.
I have never had a problem with the mesh and if you wear darker trunks no one can even see your dick. Also: who is looking at your dick? Not me! I'm just looking at you being dumb and wearing underwear under underwear.
Ribeyes, Helicopter Rides and Booze
Mitchell has also found himself welcome in Athens' renowned music scene, where he's the lead cellist for Flat On Our Faces, the city's first prog-rock-ambient-symphonic tribute to the team's SEC Championship showings.
I hate being that guy, but I'm gonna be that guy. That would be a skimboard. Not a boogie board. A skimboard are expensive, crafted and functional, and it has a completely different use that a boogie board. Boogie boards are bought at the grocery store or CVS when picking up a styrofoam cooler by residents on their…
It intimidates your foes when a) they can see how ripped you are, and b) your lack of clothing tells them that you're in this fight even if you have to lose a testicle. You don't fight the guy who fights naked.