
First and foremost, know that the process is likely to take longer than you'd like. You "only" lost 3 pounds in six weeks? Guess what—losing at that rate makes it much more likely that you will keep the pounds off. (You want to experience frustration? Lose a lot of weight and then gain it back.)

Be careful. I was one of those kids and was in self-contained gifted classes from elementary school until I graduated from high school, and my peers and I all agreed that constantly receiving the message that we were super smart special snowflakes made it HARD to adjust when we finally got into environments where no

I teach, and the end of the school year is always the worst. It is a constant struggle to remain engaged and "fresh" all the way through. My focus at the end of the school year becomes triage: ruthless prioritization of what needs to get done vs. what can/should fall by the wayside. I find that admins/parents/etc.

Jesus christ. What an asshole. Of the absolute highest order. Holy shit. My jaw dropped a little reading that!

Teacher here! Take time for yourself. Do whatever you enjoy and chills you out - go for a long run, take a luxurious bath, buy yourself some nice chocolate - whatever works! Get some headspace, then go back in to work refreshed.

Any school teachers here?

Oh, wow. That is extremely disrespectful to you on all levels. How horrible. And you feel shitty because you gave this man your trust—hell, you promised to marry him eventually. Consider the bullet dodged. You're going to feel like crap for awhile regardless of how the FWB situation is, because ending a relationship

I typically found that I got bigger before I got smaller, if that makes any sense. Like, the fat is all still there, but I'm also working on the muscle. So I tend to be bigger for a bit. But then, I notice that my clothes go back to the "normal" fit after a month or two, and then get a little smaller.

When did my youngest step son become the amazing young man that's rushing around my house right now, looking for his hair gel?

*weepy* Ya know, he's been through more than any child should ever go through. Yet, here he is, a good kid to the core, happy, healthy, and the biggest crisis in his life right now is that he

Classes are over and the summer has officially started, which means I'm alone with my depression again. I keep tricking myself into thinking that I've gotten better, but really I just use school as a means to distract myself from the shit I need to deal with.

I also recently dumped the only friend I had around here

So after six weeks of regular exercise, I have managed to lose a whopping total of 3 pounds. I'm not impressed.

So, the only "normal people" are entitled northern and western transplants. Not actual progressive southerners who work tirelessly against the tide of bigotry and stupidity in the place they were born and live and yes, even love. Noted. Go fuck yourself.

I know you're not a lawyer C.A. So i'll understand your ignorance at the importantence of the "Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers" precedent establish by the Supreme Court in the hotly contested case of Rubber v Glue.

I was dating this pizza delivery girl that had just came to America from Kerplunkerstan that really only knew the bare minimum amount of English one would need to make and deliver pizza. We bonded over drinking, sex, and Kung Fu movies (without subtitles, neither of us really knew what was going on). One day I was

I know I'm going to want to leave this as a comment on every single one of these posts, sooo...

I think the big reason Julia hasn't (yet) become a big deal is because she's so sweet and unassuming. Ken Jennings was sort of a dick — wait, no, TOTALLY a dick — and, well, it's hard not to pay attention to a dick.

five bucks say that you and I are the only one who know who the hell Sam Malone is on this thread let alone Ted Danson. (although he was on csi more recently, so there's that). ;)

Awake for SNS! Woo! Just been out to a bar where a ginger haired Irishmen told me that I had 'radiant' teeth, nice hair and looked like Mary Jane from Spider-Man.

This Tuesday I will be taking a road test. I am 32. I am so nervous I could vomit. I probably will vomit. The last time I did this I was 16 and I didn't care (lost it due to my epileptic tendency to have seizures). This time I have two kids and live in a place with terrible transit. My daughter can't go to the

Well, I was rooting for Real. :)