
It's troubling for some of the people older than that too. We like the event, the energy, the drinking and the people, but not necessarily to the extent of ... yeah I'm going to say it... "bros". We're not on the hunt, but we don't mind looking at attractive people (and to be honest, the interesting outfits of both

College is basically high school but with more caffeine and no parents. Most people are 18-21 and financially dependent on their parents. We're still kids. We have to pay a senior to buy us alcohol. We forgo sleep for a marathon session of drunk Mario Kart and subsist on Easy Mac and diet coke for days at a time. We

Heh. You said "soft bottom".

My dodgeball team is pretty mixed age we have 4 people who are 22-25 and the rest of us are in the 27-30 range. We get along fine, but there is definitely a soft bottom on the age of people you can party with.

"Oh, we're going to a house party?"

"No. We're going to my house to party. No cover charge. No police. No bartenders. No line. No landlord. No bullshit. And I can punch a damned hole in the wall if I want to. Because mine."

"But. Club ..."

This actually makes me feel better in a weird way.

Please, please, please link this to our Bro map!!

I would tend to agree that the Atlanta bro is kind of a hybrid of many of the other bros in the country. An Atlanta bro might have something in common with the Mid-Atlantic bro, but also with the Texas bro and the other Southern bros. And in some parts of Atlanta you can find bros that have more in common the

Cogit-bro ergo sum.

I think Broness is more of an attitude, really.

That looks like and OC bro outfit to me.

Worse yet: I'm a Dallas Bro living in Louisiana. I thought for sure I was an SEC bro, but SoCo tastes like shit and I like tailored suits.

Regrettably, this article has taught me that I'm almost a Dallas Bro. A 40something Dallas Bro, but still.....

You'll notice that was not among the things we edited. Because: truth.

I think the cowboy hat goes more with low-income Southern Bros. The type she's listed is definitely very, very prevalent, but they're more genteel south. And Great Plains Bro and Redneck Southern Bro (used as an adjective because it's universal) do

I would like to politely disagree with Great Plains Bro.

A friend and I are discussing this on G-Chat, and so far we have settled on: FOOTBALL!!!! BEER!!!! JESUS!!!! and ballcaps that are backwards, because it's still 1992.

I'll get more coherent and get back to you.

Yeah, thought about adding Carhartt overalls as we have a lot of that here (MT). As for inspiration: this type of bro usually looks up to the best relatively local athlete in their chosen outdoor activity. But not like "Olympic" skiers or boarders. Shane McConkey would have worked as well.

This hits too close to home.

Dallas Bro's secret shame is actually that he'll never actually need a truck with a hemi. He's fine about looking to lock it down with a "good girl" by 30.

Here in Florida (and I'm excluding Miami in this), our bros are a perfect storm of Mid-Atlantic and Southern Frat. It is quite something to behold.

Right? Soon as she got to DC bro I was like "Oh my god she knows literally all of the bros"