
Your relatives have epileptic seizures, so Hillary Clinton is having them?

Everyone here likes to make fun of Breitbart for being an echo chamber, but it’s really the same at Jezebel.

This is a ridiculous take. It’s 15 fuckin years later, and she lives in NY. An hour and a half into a ceremony, she just loses her shit?

Awesome. I’ll let this stand, then.

God you’re fucking annoying. Like a dog with a bone, arguing useless semantics.

Thank you for belaboring the obvious point.

I’m sorry about your delusions of adequacy and what swell company you find yourself in.


You do an awful lot of ‘oh woe is me’-ing around here, too.

Wow. I can literally hear the point going ‘woosh’ right over your head.

“There’s no evidence they were sharing this with police forces”

I was pointing out that your, “as far as I can tell” really means nothing to anyone else because you have provided no grounds for making a credible claim about it. Thus the burden of proof is for you to provide reasonable evidence that you are capable of making a credible assumption about the situation, instead of

What a time to be alive.

I’m really surprised that you are becoming so defensive about this. Have a nice day.

Nice moving of the goal posts. You said people didn’t do that when you were a kid, so I pointed out times in the last century when they did do that.

“When I was a kid”

I said I was done arguing with you. It is obvious you live a sad pathetic life devoid of anything resembling happiness. What you think about Speedy Gonzalez or your “Latinx friends” is largely immaterial. People like you are to be pitied, not argued with. I think it’s really sad how you use Kinja to troll for

There have to be healthier ways of finding happiness than trolling websites and getting people to argue with you endlessly. I hope you find them.

You're a Moron. Kaine, is an abomination of a pick, and the delegates should boo his ass off the stage. He's a bank deregulating, religious nut case, that belongs in the past. He's a fucking blue dog, a d that lot are, and always will be, the scum of the earth.

Riiiight. Clinton made HER choice. With no input, urging or influence by the DNC.