
Lets be honest, the ONLY unique selling point that will allow a tablet to compete with the iPad is the price. "A bit more powerful" or "multitasking" or "flash" is simply not enough. Release a tablet that works reasonably well and is less than half the price of an iPad and it'll sell shed loads... even if it is being

If it's any consolation, Flash (the app for creating flash content) crashes even more frequently than Flash (the browser plug in for viewing it). I have been using Adobe products since 1993 and in that time I have seen operating systems become progressively more stable, and Adobe products become increasingly buggy and

Much much much more useful would be -1. Sick of seeing spam sites in your searches? -1 them. I'd even be happy for this to appear in my G+ feed: "Wonko just hated XXXXXX".

Weird innit? A quick look on phones4u and I've found a 16gb iPhone 4 for FREE on contract. Not just that, they actually give a £25 cash back. So by the standards set in this article "Phones4U already sells a budget 16 GB iPhone 4 for a mere -£25".

Also, people drop a surprising amount of chips. Mad pattern carpets make it hard to find them once dropped.

Y'know, I almost thought I was going to get through a Gizmodo article without a mention of Apple then.

Plus it doesn't take 10 minutes to start up.

Because it is exactly "1" better than Windows 7.

@mikeness: I'm sure there'll be a 'con' involved somehow.

@salviati: Oh good grief yes! There were questions like "Counting only the people included in question H4, how many visitors are staying overnight here on 27 March 2011?" I don't want people knowing who was at my house on March the 27th!!!! Now March the 28th, that would have been fine...

So just to make sure I understand this... the weight of an AC unit is directly related to the amount of heavy stuff that is inside it? So, removing some of that heavy stuff would make the AC unit weigh less? Would removing the innards somehow impact how well the unit operates? Also, why does repeating the word 'unit'

Isn't the retina display called the retina display because it's the same resolution as can be detected by the human eye? So either Apple were lying when they claimed that or this Ortus thing has a load of pixels that you actually can't see.

@Solarisphere: Yeh but what if they didn't put that in and then someone did use the products to manufacture a nuclear weapon? That would leave Apple open for all sorts of trouble. Better put it in and be safe. Plus Apple's lawyer gets paid by the word...


@Vanilla-Terror: I always found content aware fill to be suspicious and now the truth is out - it's actually just an old Chinese man sat inside your computer.

@superflanker00su: Wording could be changed to "NO LONGER MADE IN NEWCASTLE"

@drilon the lesser known spider man villain: In fairness the Dinosaur segment is split into those that use Netscape and those that have given up on the internet altogether due to their short arms playing havoc with the operation of a mouse.

@thehouserules: So from that we can read that tax advisors know shag all about IT. Good to know our money is in safe hands...

Two different things - music and the music business. One's an art form and the other is a way of making money.

@Sleepy English Bro: Wouldn't that imply that Auschwitz is (present tense) an organisation, thus the same imbeciles that are concerned by the .pl domain will think that Auschwitz is still a working concentration camp? What we need is tld that implies a former organisation, perhaps .xorg or .orgnomore ?