
Just thought of a more practical idea. Two very small android tablets that are attached to glasses lenses. To select something on screen you prod yourself in the eye.

@core53mail003: You tell that to the goint photographers expert group

Isn't this a bit like Microsoft complaining that it can't think of a better name? It's not like Microsoft hasn't itself trademarked a generic term. I'm still not happy about having to call the box I keep my large letter Xs in my "X Container". Stupid Microsoft.

"Nothing that expensive should ever be bending or flexing." - The words "Thai" and "Bride" spring to mind.

@bigwhig1: Agreed. I remember watching a documentary that explained all this and that the sound guy just wondered round recording stuff for a year and I remember thinking "now that is what I want to do when I grow up". My jaded memory is telling me it was about the same time as a programme about some kid that

So the target audience is basically extremely wealthy agoraphobics? Perhaps a tad niche...

Hmmm... not sure I should say this but... I think some software companies use piracy as a means to promoting their software. I actually first heard this from a guy that claimed to have worked at Steinberg who said they turned a blind eye to people pirating Cubase because it helped with brand awareness. Seems to me

@Coolbone: Great American accents? Seriously?

@SEDAGIVE?!: Sorry... irony doesn't work that well when typed ;)

@CaptainJack: And he does the posh British accent so well. You'd never know he was an American!!!!111!!!1!

@improprietary: I think people's objection is that you are not getting caught in the act of breaking the law. They are just assuming that you must have broken the law between point a and point b - and they're almost certainly right but it's the 'almost' that annoys people. Personally, I like to drive at 150mph for

I heard about a German guy that went through a speed camera under the speed limit but still got flashed. Unhappy, he went back through the speed camera, again under the speed limit, and got flashed again. He then reported the faulty camera to the police, who thanked him for finding the fault then fined him for two

So how clever is it? Could I tweet a few anti climate change keywords followed by a tirade where I call into question the occupation and hobbies of the programmer's mother then get a rebuttal from his spambot?

$25,000 and you can't even make a phone call on it? Bah! Rubbish!

This is in one corner of a room. In another corner is a puzzle which you have to solve to get the key. In another corner is a crystal blocked by a fire. Outside the room's door Richard O'Brien is playing a harmonica.

I've come to the conclusion that the only reason the Mac Mini exists is to make the rest of the Mac range seem less ridiculously overpriced by comparison.

@MrEvil: But on a positive note, if the oxygen increased and huge invertebrates took over the world, devouring us weedy mammals in a trice, there would be substantially less badly photoshopped photos like the one published with this article. Every silver cloud...