
Sadly the modern theatre of war is so rarely a sofa.

iPads and such use the viewport setting. Sadly desktop browsers don't. As a result, in order to create elastic layouts for desktop browsers you need to use a load of javascript/css and even then the result is not very good.

Well I liked the article but I thought it was a bit vague. Did he invent email then or not? :D

I've not read the comic myself but I've heard the TV show is already straying pretty far from it (and a quick Wikipedia scan confirms this). I suspect that the comic concerned itself more with the zombies in the barn breaking loose than the asian lad angsting about whether the farm girl fancies him or not. Ultimately,

All of these post-apocalyptic shows have the same problem... it costs too much money to film empty cities so they have to spend most of the time in farms and fields and forests and other things beginning with F that rarely have people in the background. Clearly with The Walking Dead they said "yeh sure you can have a

People are idiots. So why not help them by making the default setting "Share nothing at all with anyone" and have people gradually unlock what they want to share and with who? It goes against the idea of "social" networking but perhaps people are just so daft that we have to force antisocial networking on to them.

I'd argue the creator of The Only Way is Essex is doing a much better job of killing off TV.

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.

I was thinking much the same - LOTR was pretty much just a way to show off an entire language and mythology he'd already created. I would have posted something along those lines but I was too busy p1ssing myself at the "...vapid arrogance with witch [sic] societies [sic again]..." post below.

I suppose that'd ensure market fruit stalls were always well lit.

If you drop a Thai banknote and stamp on it to stop it blowing away in the wind you can be prosecuted. Stamping on the King's face, even on a banknote, is a big no-no.

Very true. However, annoyingly some (many) routers have broadcast SSID by default and some (many) users don't know enough to switch the broadcast off. It's for this kind of reason that I think only utter simpletons should be allowed to design tech hardware - it wouldn't work properly but it would at least be easy to

Didn't beat Google's eh? I wasn't exactly surprised given how many times Google's ReCaptcha has defeated me...

So Why Don’t Different Humans Sound Alike When Saying the Same Words?

Smartphone works really well until everyone has one... then it's just a mobile phone again. Unless we move onto smart-erphone.

Ah so it's saying that higher resolutions will be natively supported in Windows 8 rather than relying on the graphics card drivers or something? Weirdly it has never occurred to me that there is a limit to the resolution supported by windows - I always just assumed Windows would accommodate whatever the graphics card

Okay, I've read the post and all the comments but I still don't get it. Is the story that Windows 8 will support screen resolutions as high as 960 x 640 pixels (ie the 'retina' display on an iPhone 4)? Is that meant to be good in some way?

Surely the only penis here is the one that wrote the article?

Great, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Ahhh... Miss Miller's high school history lessons... them were the days. Are you going to cover the four course crop rotation system in your next article? Or maybe John "Blind Jack" Metcalf's road building? Surely not the 1845 enclosure act? I wait with baited breath...

Am I the only person that like the idea of targeted marketing? Given a choice between having ads for stuff I'm not interested rammed down my throat and having ads for stuff I may actually want rammed down my throat I'd actually prefer the targeted route.