
So pass laws to do it. Like in California, where there is no “tipped” minimum wage. Don’t fuck over those with the least amount of power in the situation.

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

I am a professional writer, and my work also gets flagged as AI-generated. Essentially, if you’re good at writing, AI is going to say you’re AI. Fortunately I started with my current company before ChatGPT was released, so they know I do my own work. But a lot of writers don’t have that kind of tenure or bosses who

Because when they came out, they were vastly better than the available alternatives. They haven’t progressed since, but they haven’t needed to, so long as no other real rivals were allowed to emerge and thrive.


Lol. Credit? That’s not a valid argument against DS9 as tv it’s a metadiscussiom about ethics in the production of a TV show.

TNG’s rocky first season was largely on Roddenberry, to say he was infallible is massively over reaching. There’s been a lot of post Roddenberry changes that he wouldn’t have countenanced that are very good. He did the concept, but not everything in a concept gets to reality and there’s always going to be things that

Your point doesn’t stand. You should actually read stuff rather than just getting your opinions from TikTok mate.

It makes perfect sense that someone with absolutely no understanding of false equivalency or context would completely and utterly get his facts wrong in their effort to “own the libs.” You people are truly sad. But always amusing.

Swag Messiah is a known troll, people. Don’t respond to them and dismiss them when they reply to you. As much fun as it might be to dunk on trolls, leave them in the greys where they belong or, better yet, just blow away their comments completely when you can. The herb might not give a shit, but we can do what we can.

Okay, so as you mentioned in subsequent posts, you confused Dan Schneider with Brian Peck. Those two creeps’ cases are very different. Dan Schneider was a very prominent executive producer at Nickelodeon who created a dozen shows for the channel over the course of two decades. Brian Peck was a freelance dialogue coach

Are you confusing Disney with Nickelodeon? Because Disney doesn’t own Nickelodeon. Disney has nothing to do with Nickelodeon. Disney has their own kids channel called, get this, the Disney Channel. Nickelodeon is owned by Paramount.

Schneider’s never worked with Disney and never served time behind bars

None of that justifies 5 cops firing 96 times. The criminal penalty for everything you described is not summary execution. Cops aren’t supposed to be executioners.

Sit in the quiet for 41 seconds. Do nothing. Feel how long 41 seconds is.

Chicago police claim

I mean, I’d be happy to just ban all guns but I don’t think that’s gonna happen any time soon, despite mountains of evidence for it’s efficacy in reducing violent crime and improving police relations.

Don’t defund the police. Just disarm them.  Take those guns away and see how they treat strangers who may or may not be armed.

I cant watch the video at work, but unmarked car and police in street clothes (which is what it sounds like these cops were from the article) cannot expect to be treated like cops when they run up on people.

The first film was a pretentious, desperate grab at relevance( they as much as admitted that) that said nothing good or insightful and even worse, glorified every sick, erroneous trope about mentally ill people they could find. And honestly, his performance was very mannered and false, even if it was intense. Hated