
So why does anything you’ve said matter? What possible purpose does bringing up a victim’s criminal record serve?

This is gross, and you should feel bad for even attempting to justify this execution.

Scopely is such a scummy, predatory developer. 

However, people are doing things in reverse, and instead are discounting the most likely explanations first and charging headlong into the most outlandish explanations.

Quick, what do you think the purpose of a dress code is?

I responded to the phrase:

Everyone has eyes on these events specifically just to see trailers and gameplay, and whenever a person steps in between that and the audience, people hate it.

Ah yes, “liberalism” is where we allow people to have lesser sentences for crimes because they decided to have children. Congratulations, Florida Man: you cracked the code!

Imagine thinking, “well, it’s OK that she gets a different punishment because she bred.”

Hogwart’s will likely pull in GotY awards

Don’t people just go and add as much as the computer will allow?

Found Brad Pitt’s publicist’s burner account.

This never happened to the other fellow.”

No DC? Fuck that. 

Believe it or not, the order of things being filmed has very little to do with anything other than “what makes the most fiscal sense,” working around availability.

Presenting sex as a part of a story is perfectly natural, and I’m thrilled to see intimacy coordinators becoming more commonplace and more cheered.

Is this a joke? Literally everything about Platt keeping a role he had obviously grown out of was rightfully decried as nepotism.

It’s bananas how many people in the comments here are comfortable with the cops playing executioner. If the reports are to be believed, no one was in any immediate danger when they murdered Tekle.

Come election day there are two, and only two, possible outcomes.”

You responded to my post within one minute of me posting it. You’re not doing work: you’re squatting for the endorphin rush.