
Much of this comment is disingenuous (come on, an unaffiliated Reddit post as evidence? Bada-Bing as a ripoff of Ocean’s 11 because...they were both heists? Suggesting that DS9 is a rip-off of B5, despite the fact that DS9 was in production before the B5 pilot was public and that plenty of sci-fi stories have involved

So why does anything you’ve said matter? What possible purpose does bringing up a victim’s criminal record serve?

This is gross, and you should feel bad for even attempting to justify this execution.

I’ll take “Things I Will Never Use” for $800, Jody.

Scopely is such a scummy, predatory developer. 

However, people are doing things in reverse, and instead are discounting the most likely explanations first and charging headlong into the most outlandish explanations.

This feels like a Concerned Citizen film: another Hurt Locker.

So, not so much “freedom of speech” as “freedom of speech based upon the owner’s biases.” Never mind that canceling the show wasn’t about “allowing criticism,” but about a show that hasn’t even been written yet.

Players will need to feel a fair bit more “comfortable” with the idea of subscription models and, to a greater extent, not actually owning anything they buy.

No, but you should definitely brush up on your history of this country. You could probably start with LBJ, Goldwater at the 1964 CRA.

We’re now days away from pianos being classified as “pro-Nazi” because of the number of keys one has.

Gizmodo “Stop asking writers to write about products they hate” challenge.

Nobody wants to work anymore!

“I’m not mad! Please don’t put in the newspaper that I got mad!”

That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t care if people perceive me as an asshole; I’m just going to continue to be me.”

You walked in and laughably tried to be an expert, never once understanding that screeners are sent to reviewers that include more episodes than what have aired. Doing absolutely no research, you pretended that Linda doesn’t know what she’s talking about, and every single point you posted was objectively wrong. You

Put me in the camp of those who will resist this until I’m absolutely forced to do it. The “single point of failure” that is referenced by multiple commenters should be more than enough of a reason to avoid this.

I’ve read your comments in this thread, and I stand by what I said. Your entire argument is summed up by “70 years/95 years is too long because I said so.” I promise you, if you found yourself in a situation where you went from content consumer to content creator, you’d think differently. And if you didn’t feel

It’s always people with no skin in the game who want to change IP law. A good first step might be to take the time to understand IP law first.

Quick, what do you think the purpose of a dress code is?