Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

It makes my heart swell with love. Something's swelling, anyway.

Milo Manara

And that's how we got the ♥ symbol.

I couldn't find my password :[ I spent weeks looking for it like crazy. I finally realized I wasn't going to find it, so I made a new account. Thankfully, I missed the troll ordeal. It must have been really bad if Jezebel had to dedicate an article addressing the issue!

I assume they're getting some mileage out of rising waistlines, though. I do hope that skinny-to-straight jeans become the default at least for those of us over 30 now. My position is this: if you're old enough to have worn ridiculous giant leg jeans as a teen, you should now realize how terribly unflattering they

Ah yes, flare jeans. I love how easily they absorbed water off the street and became frayed at the heel.

Seems like you have a complaint and that complaint is with them, not me. Go get 'em!

Sometimes Barack Obama is such a little coward.

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?

(Note: If you only support same-sex marriage for selfish economic reasons, you are still a shitty bigot. But it's better than nothing, I guess.)

And the officer in the photo released by Anonymous (Bryan Willman) *looks exactly* like the officer in a witness cell phone photo standing over the body of Mike Brown, completely uninjured and blase. The very same photo the Ferguson PD Chief came out on live TV and said *was absolutely not* the shooter. The lying,

Because he can't help himself~~~ But seriously, I never got to finish the book. Abuse is not okay in my book, not matter the period.

Ha. I was going to say this. I'm glad I'm not the only one disgusted by the abuse. Seems like normalized abuse is the norm in the Romance genre. I like me some romance, but I have a very low tolerance for that type of things, "historical accuracy" be dammed.

I hate earrings on babies.

I'm not optimistic for change. I wish I were, but I'm not. We've been protesting for hundreds of years and with every step forward, you wait 5 years and take 2 steps back. How many more black teenagers have to die at the hands of a brutal, militarized police before all of America is outraged and committed to change?

Ok first of all, caveat, I do NOT approve of what happened at the Bundy ranch in Nevada.

What. The. Fuck. is a civilian police force doing with battlefield weapons?

Another commentator says he beats her up at some point. How is that gentle?

Woo! If you haven't read the book, you're in for a treat in regards to Jamie's gentleness.