Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

Agreed. I personally find the gentle, peasant boy to be more attractive, but that's just me.

Key word: prosecution. Rapists belong in jail and with criminal records. They shouldn't just get expelled or suspended.

Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that my one-hour haircut should cost more than his 15-minute haircut. And if you net it out like that it could be that women's haircuts are around the same, or even slightly cheaper. I believe my dad pays $16-17 per cut, I live in a much more expensive city and choose to go to a


Nail, head, you hit it, etc. I find it especially interesting how you tie in post-Fordist economies to this depoliticization and the ways in which image has now become capital.

I dated a 20yr old (born in 92') as a 32yr old and she was obsessed with the whole 80's hair rock scene. She always asked why people didn't dress like that anymore and how she was gonna dress like that and be different. I tried to explain that aping a style that has already been done is the definition of corny. She

appropriate the inadvertent motif of lower/working-class life and fetishize/commodify it for conspicuous consumption

I totally get what you're saying. If you look at the history of punk - as a genre of music, but also a cultural movement - I think there are some interesting things to be said about how fashion played a role in what punk was trying to do in terms of cultural rebellion and non-conformity. But somewhere along the line

Fashion punks. When I had my band I always found it ironic I was the poorest member and lived in an actual shitty, violent neighborhood and my bandmates who were upper middle class dressed like the above photos. I was a skin who just wore jeans, white tees and doc's or grinders. I preferred looking normal to being

Even punk's obsession with being anti-fashion has just become another fashion trend. Every subculture has signifiers, punks are just fixated on portraying non-conformity.

I have an exboyfriend from high school who was (is?) a "shiny" punk. I never knew there was a term for it, but it is definitely theatrical. I remember that at one point he had a tri-hawk and I would try to get the points to stick out using elmer's glue. He always dressed like the people in that 4th photo up there.

…maybe this is wrong of me, but does anyone else feel like the gator should be left alone? Sure it bit a kid, but it was in it's own territory. The kid went swimming in a restricted area (presumably restricted because it's known that alligators live there), the gator didn't go wandering into a neighborhood to chomp on

Because men are such sexual creatures they automatically assume that if a woman is talking to them then she's interested in them.

Tracy's article stated that many men won't even do something like that because they're afraid of being called "creepy" "possessive" and maybe even "pigfucks". And maybe that's accurate if also unnecessarily derogatory. At the same, women I know on Facebook post things about how unhappy they are that men don't make

I think men project on women. Im pretty fucking sure that as a majority....we'd have sex with bear traps as long as it had a proper vagina and a 50/50 chance of not having our cock n balls chopped off.

I'm tall, like 5'10. I dated men shorter than I am. I was never hung up on height and they weren't either.

This is true. There is a seed of connection between human rights and other cultures/religious belief structures, however (I'm thinking Buddhism in particular, a good example to go on considering its age). It seems to be general respect for your community and yourself - though many structures (Euro-american included)

i fear not getting enough of my recomended daily allowance of vulvas clitorises &

I just did an actual spit take. Well played.

Male cats totally have penile spines. True science fact.