Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

It's not that women are SHOCKED by dick pics; it's more of a consent issue—in the early stages of courtship (especially BEFORE you've established a sexual relationship with someone), a dude's presumption in sending you a photo of their genitals without an explicit "yes please send me a photo of your junk" IS a

which is to say, please send me boobs plz

This discourse about women being assaulted by dick pics is pretty absurd. Why are we taking serious the idea that women are shocked by seeing penises. I'm gay and I've been on Grindr and Scruff for years. You should know about your partner before you go on a date, if you're sexually compatible and frankly, what their

And millions of gay men everywhere are like "forward them to me"

Don't forget (well groomed) lady labias!

But probably not vaginas. Here are some hairy labia!

Well if it were cheekbones there isn't anything I can do about that. I admit I naturally have decent eyebrows so I just make them a little bit smaller but even before I did anything to them people had said I had nice eyebrows. The only parts of my face that get compliments are my eyebrows and teeth!


And yet, if a woman played around with her "cheating man", she's doing a good job? But men can't fucked around with girls who cheat? They should just dump them. Right.

minus the clap

oh, Billy Crudup.

Get the heck off this site.

I'm not sure how anyone's going to be able to beat a threesome...

not bad!

What if the wife's not cool with you being side-pieced-up?

Remember folks, the Scots DID NOT wear kilts until the 19th century (contrary to what Mel Gibson would have you believe).

You get all the wins for this. 1++

I should think it is. Who wants to fly without valium?

"As a woman with vast resources, I'm proud to embrace my body - which will be fixed by personal trainers and plastic surgery soon after I give birth - through all stages of life. Staying fearless and confident - because I don't have to worry about astronomical medical bills and a few unpaid weeks off from work - in