Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

Because you wouldn't have loyalty to generic soap a. These companies wouldn't sing you a song if you didn't dance to it.


He's deliberately destroying his own health, and she finds those habits endearing? That attitude baffles me. People don't find it cute when their loved ones drink & drug themselves to an early death — why is it a point of pride for some people to eat in an equally destructive way?

My boyfriend doesn't smack, but he eats crunchy foods like chips so loudly that I have to leave the room until he's done, or I will go into a Hulk rage. Misophonia life!

For me it's twirling spaghetti. I once had a date who jammed his fork into a pile of spaghetti, lifted a pile, and bit off a chunk that could get in his mouth. He was an adult man. I was horrified. There was no second date.

I have to take a deep breath before a meal with my husband. He smacks when he eats. It drives me fucking crazy. I can only express it on here.

Oh, jesus, I can't do that either. I will run out of the room to shed the desire to punch the person- it's a noise thing. I struggle terribly at pho or ramen restaurants because I hate the sound of slurping. I know that's a cultural thing, but the sound just drives me insane.

Mine is loud eating. I go nuts. How hard is it to close your stupid mouth when you eat?

I couldn't deal with that. My favorite date night is making dinner together and my signature dish is homemade fried chicken (usually served with sweet potato biscuits and mashed cauliflower).
And if you can't eat that then you can GTFO.

Such a bummer that she's supporting a company that uses slave labour to make their clothing.

I didn't even read the whole article, but the headline alone reminds me of one of my coworkers. She always talks about how her husband refuses to eat vegetables as if it is an endearing quality of his. One time I had enough and said "what is he, five?" And she got really mad. But really I can't understand someone who

"Here is a TV commercial, fuck it"

I don't understand why their isn't a deeper discussion here. Jezebel kicks *ss when it comes to fully analyzing the fashion industry. But sometimes with certain celebrities and their endorsements, the discussion is nothing more than surface.

But aren't you a little worried that "brand" has been detached so completely from "product"? All she's selling is brand. It's so post-modern it hurts my head. Other brands manage to attach a product to their BS, but she is selling branded nothingness, and, as a person with at least one toe in The Real, I'm disturbed

I'd pick Kim K over Oprah any day. THERE, I SAID IT.

Aww...hell. Add this to the list of the ways I am fucking up my family while trying to keep everything smelling Gain fresh.

They sure do and that's right about when I start reminiscing.

Alas, PNW is just too many air-miles away, although I would never say no to those photos; I like to keep my wank bank stock fresh.

I am an owner of 10 rad tattoos and one... that is regrettable. I spent my sophomore year of college studying abroad in Denmark. At the end of the semester, my then-best friend (who was doing the same thing - getting drunk and calling it school - in Norway) and I decided to do a food and drink tour of Italy. Lots of

no idea, I only remember the good times.

Not mine but good. My brother got a GIANT "Established 1986" across his upper-back between his shoulder blades. Then, in 2006 he was drinking whisky, took off his shirt and was wandering around a parking lot with his whisky bottle. So he see's a a cop and thinks he'd better scram so he turns to walk away and....