Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet

Hey, think of it this way: more for you. I’ll just eat my Samoa (the superior girl scout ice cream) over here.

Controversial opinion:

Sometimes I think about that fact, and then I stop because it’s hella hella super fucking scary and depressing.

Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but I mostly agree with you, with the caveat that it’s not solely a problem of Western systems. Though you never actually said that, nor did you do any Orientalizing.

My favorites are on the ok list. Thanks.

Fair-trade/ethically sourced cocoa is important. Thanks!

Man, hate comments like these. Mostly because even though there were many popular revolutionaries from the '60s doesn't mean that decade has a possession over them. There are revolutionaries from just about every decade even - shock - including this one. Also, I hate to say it, but there is a really sickening

Foucault wasn't a "post-modernist type."

I agree entirely. It's worth remembering that capitalism is predicated on exploitation and abuse. It's a system that legitimises violence, in many of its forms.

Agreed. But, the only way to truly understand, in my opinion, is to listen to the greater collective, who share similar experiences, and to (in my case) shut up and cede the floor to those who are the only ones who could possibly know what it is to exist as a POC or woman or LGBT, because that is who they were when

That person who dedicated their life to learning about whatever historic and cultural archives obtains a valid perspective if and only if they recognize that they are not above their own personal biases and they acknowledge that there is nuance they just don't have access to. And, sometimes, there are going to be

I reckon she isn't inserting herself into a part of "black culture" because hip hop isn't black culture. It's just culture, and she needs just as little permission to use it creatively as anyone else.

the facts about vital non-black contributions to the development and history of hip hop

How dare you. This is still 1993 and KRS-One is still the standard-bearer.

You know, before Jezebel starts its Iggy Article Love-to-Hate-fest I really didn't know much about her. After a couple articles I decided I really didn't like her.

Agreeing to disagree is absolutely the best option at this point since I am sure we can both bring years of reasoning and anecdotes to bear to support our sides.

I like to emphasize the "k" in fuck. A breathy k adds to the intensity. "fuc-k".

Sometimes that cheating leads to a newfound love, an overdue divorce, a child who might help some people along its life, or what have you not.

I politely disagree with that.

You're the person that always cheats with non-single people because you have little self-respect. You don't value yourself enough to realize that they should be single before getting into bed (or a bathroom) with you. They see that.