
Nintendogs was that popular and yet, we’ve never gotten another?  That’s odd.  But I don’t know the story behind it either.

Of Course!  Plants are in hotel rooms and Weinstein was always in one.  I should have known this.  

Did I miss a plant story? That seems like that something that would stick* with whoever heard it.

I don’t trust this statement.

Homer *praying*: I’m using not a praying man but if you’re out there, help me Superman.

I would say his last good movie was Sweeney Todd. He had bumps before this but Sweeney holds up with weird whimsy but the downward spiral hit hard.  Anything he did in the 90s is Gold or Silver and the 80s is Platinum. 

Counter with Luck of the Fryish. That ending was so rough.

This looks Delightful.


It seems like Konami when right when it should have gone left.

Oh no, but where will I go to buy video games and be asked if I want to reserve the Xbox One X!?!?!

Why don’t any other characters have masks on?  This seems like a bad more.

Lies, the word you are looking for is lies.

Florida Man says, Maybe, let him get back to you.


John Mulaney is an American Treasure.  His monologue was the closest we’ve gotten to a new stand-up special in months!  Years even.

I watched this yesterday and it started strong but went down then finished mildly strong. I have never watched one of his stand ups before so I can only say for what I saw in this set.

Someone in the background “Hey, aren’t you Captai—”

So this Dr. Oz show likes to work in drama?