
It is a small bit. They are saying that the smallest bit will set Nate off. Nate needs therapy.

They should have named this episode: What If...Korath knew Star Lord.  

I’m confused, all these people aren’t white? Is this the M. Night Shyamalan twist missing from the movie?

I watched this movie, it was breezy and fun. I understand and get the movies’ faults (like the C+ it was given) but in the end, the fun and laughs it gave outweighed them. The black and white old camera portions and the Indiana Jones inspired mapping were good.  I wish it had more Plemons, he’s becoming more and more

I remember in the Original Fable, I would play as a good character then a bad one.  It was very Jedi/Sith if I remember correctly in the powers you got.  Still fun either way, running through town being called a chicken chaser even though you look like the devil.  Beautiful.

Oooooo, that Ben Affleck one is enticing because it’s really not that crazy especially if they get almost all Sony Spider-Man people to come.

I watched this recently and a C- is generous. From starting out mediocre, it quickly feel apart into nonsense. Just because everyone is tired doesn’t mean I should feel the same.

Yeah, that’s totally only a Pepper Potts thing...right?  RIGHT?!?

Late comment that no one will read but was written for my own satisfaction. 

Tiger Woods is the most famous person you could put there and also fits the rhyme scheme.

Complete musical is Hamilton.

Where are the feathers on the dinosaurs?

I mean, this is the show that sent a daughter to her room forever. I don’t remember the name but some say she’s still sitting on her bed, wondering how it all went wrong.

Some Spoilers (But who really cares?):

Wrong, it went downhill once Hawaii happened.  Before, there were moments of good, but Hawaii was pure trash.  As a teen I loved that trash.  Looking back now, shame.

It was VERY strange hearing a young Caleb speak like a nearly 50 year old man.  They couldn’t do anything to try and fix that?  Freddie, can’t you bring your voice up an octave or two?  But over all, very solid first episode to a show I wasn’t to keen on happening.

Their newer album Tidal Wave is fun. It came out in 2016, wow. Go listen though.

You forgot the no weird Superman mustache lip issue.  That’s a Positive. 

I’m fully onboard after this episode that Pietro is Quicksilver from the X-Men movies.
