Top row DDs have appeared before, but only incredibly rarely (a few times in Double Jeopardy in recent times, averaging less than once per year). There’s a complete archive that you can search if you look.
Top row DDs have appeared before, but only incredibly rarely (a few times in Double Jeopardy in recent times, averaging less than once per year). There’s a complete archive that you can search if you look.
100%. It is kludgy and muddy feeling, but that’s not the most important thing for me.
I got the game as an unexpected present, and could honestly barely get started simply because the game lacks some very straightforward camera options. I know most people don’t understand why, but I basically “need” an inverted X-axis…
I’m super surprised, given the glowing review and general celebration around Dragon Quest XI, that this isn’t represented on this list. Ugh. I want people to see and know and experience the greatness of this game, but it seems like it is impossible to reach many people with this series! Square Enix may be making a…
Orrrr we could invest in one of the fantastic other RPGs that have been released this year, work from Square Enix that actually deserves your money. Dragon Quest XI beckons.
Orrrr we could invest in one of the fantastic other RPGs that have been released this year, work from Square Enix tha…
100% agreed. I’m fifty-fifty on the charge shot, and I agree that Toad Man was poorly designed, but it’s hardly the first: The beloved Mega Man 2 has Flash Man, who so deviously walks forward without being able to get off a single shot, if you do it right. There are crappy boss movesets in every one of the games. …
Uhh - false! Not only do you keep your experience points that you’ve obtained, but also any items you’ve obtained and progress you’ve made when you die... at the price of half your gold. Dragon Quest has basically the *most* forgiving death/save system when you factor in the fact that you can keep your gold in the…