Won by Chaos

But still no Doof Warrior.

“Driver’s License” is so bland. Don’t quite understand the love for it in this article.

How about they change it to just “The Rock” category and Dwayne Johnson wins it every year? 

What’s so great about Olivia Rodrigo? In my humble opinion, her stuff is average, at best.

Spike Lee angrily tweets out Chris Tucker’s address.

Uh...yes and no. I went to see Eternals and walked away not hating it but definitely with a “that didn’t feel like a Marvel movie” vibe. Which is ok. If this is the new path Marvel is on, that’s totally their choice. The movie didn’t make me “uncomfortable”, whatever that means. It made me question the path that

My personal “Nevermind” favorite has always been “Drain You” - but I agree - there’s not really a bad one on there. 

Lounge Act might be my fav track on th whole album. But it really is all good.

“Lounge Act”, under-rated track, though Nevermind is an album with all hits. All Hits. The album delivers, the whole thing. Whole album, boom! Fantastic. Infinitely listenable.  

Then let’s hope by the Force they’re flashbacks.

As someone who loved “Power of The Dog” and loves Sam Elliot.
And listened to the WTF episode in full.
I have to say this an example of people editing what someone said in order to be out raged.

Loved The Green Knight. I don’t think it had broad appeal, but I also think it was a victim of poor release timing.  Patel will just have to settle for being handsome.

It’s self-important horse shit that pretends to say something while saying nothing at all...similar to McKay’s last Oscar bait film, Vice. Baiting works. I’m just glad it didn’t get any acting nods...

Don’t Look Up being nominated for anything is criminal

Not as star-studded as (slightly tighter) the 1978 version, which in addition to Peter Ustinov as Poirot had Bette Davis, Maggie Smith, Mia Farrow, Jane Birkin, Angela Lansbury, David Niven, Olivia Hussey, Jack Warden, and George Kennedy.

It’s criminal that Soundgarden and Alice in Chains can’t even get a nomination.

In case you’re still on the fence, I’d suggest waiting. The show changes a fair amount of plot points from the book, some for the better and others for the worse. But to me it also falls short in trying to replicate some of the feel of the book while also trying to have the look and feel of prestige TV, which often

he learned he was allergic to something in the Pfizer and Moderna shots,

I will never not be amused by the description of Fieri as what would happen if Sammy Hagar had been really into ranch dressing instead of tequila.