Won by Chaos

I’m fairly certain most people in my theatre didn’t recognize that it was him.

I saw Tony’s snap not as killing Thanos and all his minions, but sending them back to their proper time, which would imply that Gamora got sent back as well (because wouldn’t killing past Thanos in 2019 negate his arc of collecting the stones and causing the snap in the first place so everything would be totally

My theory for WandaVision is that it will be mostly a prequel series, showing their stolen moments together between the events of Civil War and Infinity War and making everyone believe that Vision is well and truly dead. But then at the end of the final episode it will fast forward to immediately after Endgame, Wanda

This is clearly the bottom of Iron Man’s boot and it looks all washed out because he’s just engaged full thrusters to rocket himself into space, probably while gently cradling Cap in his arms.  

I hope they make a whole movie detailing what Han and Chewy were doing between abandoning the rebellion and showing up to save the day in A New Hope including lots of Airplane! style flashbacks.

I think that every time I see it—it is in literally every article about this story. Like, would the events in Las Vegas be more sad if it was a celebrity’s child who’d died or been injured instead of just “regular” people?

This was the first thing I watched when I heard the news.

I felt the same way when I watched Stranger Things for the first time. After the first few episodes I couldn’t understand what all the hype was about, but I kept watching mostly because Winona Ryder is one of my absolute favorites. I think it was the end of episode 4 when the show really got going, when I actually

I thought the two Vince Vaughns were “Smart ass” and “Oh yeah, I forgot this guy can actually act” last seen in the late 90s.

I was actually surprised to see Airplane so high. I love it, but I feel like it’s usually overlooked when it comes to lists like this.  

I loved it whenever he showed up! My favorite was the ep where Tracy asked if he could replace his legs with a wheel like Rosie the Robot and Dr. Spaceman said yes but then he would have to register as a motor vehicle.

Not sure what you are referring to here, Pratt has been the lead in a few remakes/reboots of dubious quality and the much maligned Passengers, Evans has Snowpiercer, Sunshine and Scott Pilgrim on his resume. Also have you seen him with his dog on Twitter? Bonus points for that.

C'mon, everybody likes Bon Jovi!

I just finished watching it last week and I don't know how to feel about it. I didn't dislike it, I don't think it was a waste of time that I watched it, but I didn't really like it either. It's just kind of there.

That bothered me too. As soon as I got home I had to look up a timeline because I was super confused as to when this movie was supposed to take place.

I don't think they are questioning that he died by hanging, they are just trying to prove that he wasn't suicidal due to depression, rather that the urge came from a side effect of his prescription.

Thank you for the laugh. Definitely needed it.

I can't even believe this is true. Soundgarden has been my favorite band since Badmotorfinger. I thought King Animal was a return to form and I was looking forward to more new Soundgarden. I saw them at Lollapalooza in 2010 shortly after they got back together and they were just amazing. So loud, so much energy,

I've had "If you could only see" by Tonic stuck in my head since about 1997. At this point I think it's just become another part of my brain chemistry.

That was Viola Davis.