Won by Chaos

I've read another of Moriarty's books and the story is just as riveting as this one. I think they should just do a sort of anthology series where each "season" covers another of her books and they can use the same actors since they were all so fantastic!

That scene in the care was terrifying to watch—I was waiting for him to slam her head into the dashboard or drive the car off a cliff. I have literally never been happier to see someone than I was to see Renata when she knocked on the window and gave Celeste an out.

The ban is still intact, and I think it's borderline ridiculous at this point because all you have to do to figure out most of the line-up is to check everyone's tours and see who is skipping Chicago. It makes the refusal to announce the line-up till AFTER 4 day passes have already gone on sale (and mostly sold out)

Every time I watch Conversations with Dead People I wonder if they reached out to/considered including him. I just think it's so funny that he was supposedly Xander's best friend and after he dies he is just never mentioned again.

This annoys me to no end every time I rewatch. It's clearly an ax!

I'm not crying, you're crying!!

I find it especially funny because female characters always outnumbered male characters on the show (Xander even comments on it in a later season) so they had a much larger pool of women to draw from.

I find it interesting that a few commenters have said something similar to this and each time many people reply with Hannigan and Boreanaz being more successful because they (presumably) made more money on their long running network TV shows. I would argue that Strong is the most successful because he's created the

I could never get behind Riley as a character because he's so casually misogynistic, like in the episode where he finds out that Buffy is the slayer and he says something along the lines of "I don't even think I'm stronger than you." Like dude, you're not, she's the latest in a line of women embodied with

I think the Mayor is probably the best (or at least the best utilized) Big Bad of the series, but every time I re-watch season 3 I wonder what a season with Mr. Trick as the Big Bad would look like.

I might be remembering this wrong, but doesn't Kurt Russell's character tell Goldie Hawn she sleeps on the couch because of her bad back and then he sleeps by himself in the master bedroom, implying that sex between the two doesn't happen? Obviously that doesn't make the movie any less problematic, but it would make

The lack of a Chicago date and no shows the first weekend of August makes me think he's probably headlining Lollapalooza

I would guess Maura Tierney? Although she was hardly the central figure of that show.

My original post where I compared it to Titanic was mostly a joke as the original commenter was not comparing it to Titanic at all, merely saying neither were good movies to his taste. The specific scene I pointed out was merely the first and most egregious example of mediocre dancing that sprang to mind when I was

When she meets up with all the ghost people on the ghost Titanic after she drops the necklace in the ocean and dies.

First of all, I didn't say it was bad because it was contrived, I merely said having a contrived plot made it similar to Titanic. As a fan of musicals in general, I am well aware that the plot sometimes needs to be a little ridiculous in order to work. And it's silly to critique a musical for its songs and dancing?

I don't know, they both star a scruffy male and a red headed woman, both plots are telegraphed from the very beginning (one due to its historical basis, the other because the whole story is incredibly contrived), in both films the male lead changes an essential element of himself to please/win over the female lead,

I can't believe she didn't get nominated for anything, as far as I'm concerned she gave two Oscar worthy performances this year (and her Lois Lane in Batman v Superman is basically the only element of that movie that doesn't need to be dragged out into the street, shot, set on fire and then nuked from a safe distance).

Nowhere Boy was a pretty good film, but I feel like it had little to nothing to do with him/his performance. It sort of felt like he was just there filling up space and the movie/other actors revolved around him. I did like him in Ultron, though.

I would love to see Moonlight sweep all the awards, but I have a feeling Hollywood's love letter to itself La La Land is going to win big, which is a shame because I feel like it is a vastly inferior film.