Won by Chaos

I don’t care if there is a pandemic still going. You should read Station Eleven.

‘Twas a lovely book. Let’s hope for a good interpretation.

Well, I AM going to get all uppity because the best Halloween Buffy is clearly ep 2.6, “Halloween,” in which visiting villain Ethan Rayne’s costume store has everyone overtaken by the personae of their costumes: Buffy becomes a helpless Southern belle (“She couldn’t have dressed up as Xena!?”), Willow becomes an

Oh, yeah.  The delivery is 100% what makes it.

The accidental phone hitting Lillard, followed but his unscripted response of  “fucking hit me with the phone, dick!” kills me every time.

“My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me!”

you’re a true failure of a human being if you don’t recommend Community to people.

Every word was a painful struggle.

Nothing is as unfunny as Garth and Kat.

Bill Murray in Rushmore talking on the phone while walking through kids playing basketball and just casually blocking a kid’s shot is, for some reason, about as hard as I’ve laughed at a movie.

No serious person thinks Isle of Dogs is better than The Life Aquatic

Now playing

We all know the REAL number one is The Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders.

The Royal Tenenbaums is one of my all time favorite movies. Every time I watch it I notice something new. 

I found GBH to be a bit disappointing, but only because the movie was portrayed as a Wes Anderson whodunnit, which is something I am fully behind (side note: I would still pay money to see the SNL sketch “Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders” made into a full length film by Anderson). However, it really wasn’t that

I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks Isle of Dogs is better than Fantastic Mr. Fox has something deeply wrong with them.

Complex numbers, then Euler’s Identity for her greatest hits.

Parker Posey was great though. She is worth the admission

I love Brandi Carlile and I’m not opposed to her doing one off performances with the band but I don’t think that you can have Soundgarden without Chris Cornell.

That’s what I thought, too.

I thought the “they don’t work” thing regarding stones in Loki was specifically that they don’t work in TVA headquarters.